I think it’s more like, Nether Regions.
Ham Polyp? Ham Polyp? Three Ham Polyps.
I’m naming mine:
##Sex Change for 10 Million
Chance The Vaper
Critically Acclaimed. The first single will be called Platinum-Certified.
Naked for Jesus
DESTROYIT \m/(-.-)\m/
Critically Acclaimed
Grammies used an image of mine as background for their Award Winning album.
Parking Space in Boston
Ambient / Slo-Mo Electronica
Think this is more of a title of a sophomore album, tbh
That or a Greatest Hits.
I’ll never forgive 30 Rock for using up the great name of Dot Com.
My rap name is “J$, Rap Superstar”. It’s kind of lke a name and a title in one.
JayMoney, Rap Superstar!
The Kind-Hearted Bankers is one I’m holding onto
Captain von Rapp is my solo rapper name, though I would be open to having a choir of seven children back me up