What would happen if you were swallowed by a sperm whale?

I just picked it up at the library based on your recommendation. I’m looking forward to reading it!

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You may stay alive for a moment as you slide down the whale’s throat, though. The video shows what this would be like, and it doesn’t look very pleasant.

I… didn’t watch the video and would rather not…but if anyone did…what would this be like?

Digestive acid bath and/or suffocation.

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The writing had me imagining something like circular saw blades on the way down.

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i almost forgot they used to play music videos

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Voyage to the bottom of the sea: Jonah and the whale. Season 2, Episode 1.

the video is shorter than i expected.

i’d have hoped for morbid detail about the feelings of acid on man, but i guess it’s more realistic you’d pass out rather quickly

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