Whatcha Watchin' (Season 2)

The cast seems stellar!



ETA: This looks like it’s going to be pretty good…


“You are more than welcome to leave.”

That needs to be a meme, stat.


It’s a bloated mess really (probably because of the troubled production) but i still wanted to keep watching to see where the scenes set in the 30s were leading to.

You’re the third or fourth person I’ve heard say that, just in passing; I hadn’t even really decided one way or another if I was going to check it out.

(Chances are, I probably won’t…)

Meanwhile, I’m still reeling from the last ep of the Nevers


It has such promise though and some really beautiful scenes but the plotting is all over the place and it takes itself way too seriously. I’m not at all familiar with the comic so i’m not sure how much of Millar’s trademark misogyny they had to exorcise.


I agree about the plotting, but I liked the idea of two desperate and basically hopeless women in two completely different times both deciding to end their lives, only to be thwarted by the Galanthie’s grander plans. There’s something poignant about that juxtaposition.

Are we talking about two different shows here? :thinking:

I… don’t think so?

You’ve seen ep six, right?

I thought you were referring to The Nevers which i’ve not watched but i was talking about Jupiter’s Legacy which you haven’t watched. Unless i’m more tired than i thought.

I am.

I didn’t realize that you hadn’t been watching it; my bad.

(We were both talking right past one another, inadvertently…)

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No matter, all is well.



Well, I only got 5 minutes into Jupiter’s Legacy before noping out. The Nevers looks interesting.


That makes five or six, now…

It’s really that bad, huh?

I recommend the Nevers, just don’t set your expectations too high…


I enjoyed Netflix’s first season of Love, Death & Robots which is a mostly-animated anthology series of individual short films made by different groups in different studios/countries. There are many different animation styles on display. I’m working through season 2 and was trying to figure out if one of the episodes used real stop-motion or not. It looks like they went through a great deal of effort to produce the style of stop motion that used to be used in some old Christmas-related animated specials, where the characters’ hair and outfits really look like what you see on a stop-motion puppet, but based on a few other factors like subtle, smoothly-animated facial expressions I think that in reality it was probably CGI.

There’s one or two episodes that some people might find disturbing but the nice thing about this kind of anthology show is that you can just skip those ones if you want to. And the episodes are mostly 10-15 minutes each, so not a big time commitment.


There was one from the first with robots and cats and an earth cleansed of humans that I showed to my kids and we laughed at. I liked that one but don’t think I made it through the series.


It’s not often you see costumed superheroes and think “this is just stoopid” straight off, right? :smirk:
I’ll give The Nevers a try, haven’t heard anyone be harsh about it yet.

@robertmckenna The Cats & Robots episode was the most fun one and I enjoyed the first series over all. I watched the second series the other night and it was mostly gross and violent and all about death. It is not a fun watch. Some great animation but boy is it a hard ride.


I haven’t watched them all yet, but that was also my fav out of what I’ve seen of S1 so far.


The first series had some genuine humour, the second just doesn’t. I know it’s an 18+ show but jeez…


Noted, especially as dystopian future tropes generally aren’t my jam; if I wanted to feel hopeless, I’d just watch the fuckin’ nightly news.