What's your hoarding/clutter level?

Some where between a 3 and 4

The same happened to the Mole Man of De Beauvoir Town.He was notable for combining hoarding with a love of civil engineering - discovered after the road outside his house collapsed to reveal a cavern complex he was excavating.


Yes, nice formulated. If it gets away from you, than there is maybe a problem.
Was thinking about it today, I also evolved to spareness in a sense. But have a lot of tools. But tools have also a rule, only bought when needed more than one time. If only a incident, I try to loan.
And it’s the red line trough the spareness, when needed it’s OK.
But see above, other people have an other treshold of what they ‘need’.


Not good.

My clutter and hoarding level is not good.


That looks like a pretty big jump from 1 to 2. I’m a .5 trapped in a 3 body. Most living areas I try to keep at 1-1.5, but storage or work areas become batshit insane.


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