Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/15/when-banksy-has-to-work-from-h.html
I am the one in the mirror right now.
Banksy never cleans up his own mess.
So just right.
This is pure and complete awesomeness.
Wife: I hate what you’ve done to the bathroom
Banksy: It’s worth 4 million now.
Wife: Can you do the laundry room?
I learn something new each day:
Rats have 4 fingers on the front “hands” and 5 on the back “hands”
I appreciate that Banksy had the rat in the mirror only using 4 hash marks instead of our traditional 5. I want to think that is be because he knew the 4 fingers thing and extrapolated from there.
ohhhh, the waste of toilet paper! Oh, the humanity.
Going to be difficult selling the house while remaining anonymous, though.
TIL banksy is married. keeping your identity secret is hard enough when you’re single – how does a married couple manage it?
Is there a shredder on the toilet paper?
They just do like they did with the walls etc. Hire workers to rip the whole thing out and reassemble it at a gallery
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