When Republicans say "How will you pay for Medicare for All?" Democrats should answer: "Mexico will pay for it"

SERIOUSLY. Why do conservatives never (and liberals always) get tagged on the ‘cost’ talking point?

Conservatives even get away with it when they later impose their programs with no funding (“Oh, it will pay for itself!”). And there are never any consequences when of course it doesn’t, in fact, pay for itself. A trillion dollars is up in smoke via the Trump tax cuts because giving money to rich people is a hunch that, darn it, will work one of these times.

If you know the answer to this, please text this to all Democratic lawmakers, especially those running for higher office.

Norway will pay for it! after all it was their rats that spread the plague that led up to modern medicine, the real cause of today’s health care crisis.

Because “fiscal prudence” is nothing but a smokescreen for “fuck the poor”. Which is a policy that has substantial bipartisan support (among the party elites, not the people).


We should actually say, we’re already paying for it. And this way will be less expensive.


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