White Culture

Help! I Was an Audience Member on “Real Time with Bill Maher” and Now My Sense of What to Clap for is All Fucked Up


Yeah, it does.

Let the mocking continue:





Mothers Day Lol GIF by reactionseditor





Y’all are merciless!

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv




No, I Don't Think I Will


No Way Do Not Want GIF by Schitt's Creek


I don’t think most people realize what an avowed white supremacist JD apparently is. He doesn’t just want power. He wants white power.

The rest of a fairly lengthy post

When I first wrote about J. D. Vance a few years ago, it was out of simple anger.

Anger that a man who had managed to become wealthy would take the time to write an ideological piece disguised as a “memoir”, the now infamous “Hillbilly Elegy”.

Anger that a man clearly the descendant of mixed-ethnic Appalachian Americans would portray himself as a “Scots-Irish Hillbilly”.

Anger that this man used his ignorance of his own ethnic roots to construct a dumb “Scots-Irish Culture Theory” to explain Southern Appalachian social problems and poverty.

Anger that a film director of Ron Howard’s standing would buy the entire story wholesale, amplifying Vance’s fake backstory to a wider and credulous American audience.

But most of my anger was reserved for the way Vance essentially blamed social dysfunction, substance abuse, and what HE perceives as a lack of ambition, on the people themselves.

Not just on individual people and their individual choices, mind you. He blamed widespread social malaise on something INNATE to these people. Something in their culture. Something in their GENES.

If this had been the extent of his nastiness and ignorance, it could have been dealt with in short order.

First, J. D. Vance is not “Scots-Irish”. Not by descent, and not by culture.

He is like someone who wins a medal in the long jump in high school, and then proceeds to explain that his grandparents were kangaroos.

And the only reason no one else in his family ever won a long jump medal, was because they all kept insisting on hopping across busy roads, and getting run over.

They’re very proud kangaroos, you see, and won’t be told where they can or can’t hop…

Once our friend J. D. decided to run for the Senate, I began to suspect there was something more sinister afoot.

When riches aren’t enough and someone begins to crave POWER, it is worth asking what they would like to achieve with a greater level of personal and political power.

I’ve written elsewhere about how, during his time at Yale Law School, Vance and his future wife Usha Chilukuri jointly organized a discussion group focusing on “social decline in white America”.

I’ve also written elsewhere about how Vance’s political ambitions have been deeply-backed financially by ultra-Libertarian tech barons like Peter Thiel, who specialise in Big Data mining.

I’ve pointed-out how Vance’s wife contributed to the senate election campaign of Blake Masters in Arizona. I explained how Masters is an open and avowed fan of the late white supremacist “philosopher” Sam Francis.

I wrote that Masters has also worked for and received millions of dollars in backing from the aforementioned Peter Thiel.

Once we had all of these “border pieces” of the jigsaw in place, we could begin to work toward the interior.

And the emerging picture looks a bit like an Hieronymous Bosch painting…

Remember those guys at school who were always trying to join “Mensa”, the weird club for people with a need to feel intellectually elite?

The socially maladroit guys who openly believed that having a high IQ score made them superior to those around them?

The ones so deep inside the cult of “intelligence”, philosophical thought experiments, science and science fiction that they begin to believe that they have transcended social morality?

The ones who adore statistics (any statistics) which can be manipulated to underpin their belief in their own oh-so-rare-and-special transcendant superiority?

The ones who eventually begin to find a reason for their financial success IN THEIR VERY GENETIC SUPERIORITY?

Vance is being propped-up by exactly those guys, who are now middle-aged, wealthy, and powerful. They have also donated millions to current GOP candidate Donald Trump.

The connections between groups like Mensa and the alt. right have been commented upon and documented elsewhere.

But Peter Thiel appears to have been in direct communication with members of extremist white supremacy group members back in 2016.

People like Elon Musk and his former partner Grimes have been open in their support of “White Pride”.

These admirers of high IQ scores among extreme Libertarians and the alt. right are also the ones most likely to subscribe to the thinking behind books like “The Bell Curve”, which presented a deeply flawed analysis of data suggesting that intelligence is highly heritable, and that IQ itself varies greatly across “racial” groups at birth (basically suggesting that poverty among certain people of color is an unsolvable problem, due to fundamental differences in intelligence levels).

A distant cousin of our friend J. D. (Terra Vance - Marked Melungeon) noted this week on her social media page that J. D. Vance actually felt brazen enough to offer a blurb to a book published this year called “Unhumans”, which is essentially a brownshirt fascist call to arms against “enemies” of the alt. right. The book has also been praised by such “luminaries” as Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Jr., and Tucker Carlson.

A final piece of this jigsaw landed in my hand this week via a brief comment left by a follower of this very page. A reader pointed-out that the alt. right, white supremacist nature of Vance and his backers was sitting there, hiding in plain sight, in the list of notes on the final page of Vance’s grubby springboard to fame, his 2016 faux memoir “Hillbilly Elegy”.

Note No. 1 cites a 2012 article called “The Scots-Irish as Indigenous People”, written by none other than Bangladeshi animal genomics specialist Razib Khan.

Don’t bother looking for the article online, though, unless you’re prepared to dig deep. The article has been removed from the website of Discover Magazine, where it was first published. The article has also been removed from Mr. Khan’s own website. I just happened to have an old PDF of it lying around the recesses of my trusty PC.

Why is it gone? Probably because it’s a pile of poorly informed, pseudo-scholarly claptrap.

Which should probably come as no surprise, as Razib Khan is quite the busy little bee in the field of “New Eugenics”. Not heard of “New Eugenics”?

You’re probably not a regular reader of far right blogs like Taki’s Magazine, VDARE, or the Unz Review.

You would need to follow such blogs to be up-to-date on the new racialist obsession with HBD - “human bio-diversity”, which is essentially racism in search of a scientific underpinning.

This jigsaw isn’t finished, but we can see enough now to have an understanding of the man on Trump’s ticket. A Melungeon in denial, who wants to play with the “white” Übermenschen.

P.S. Vote.





Thanks. I recommend reading the whole thing. Along with many others, I’ve been saying for a long time that Vance is one of the most dangerous fascists on the U.S. political scene. This provides yet more evidence to back up that claim.


Nah. Been raised right here in white supremacy land with a lot of white supremacists who went to HS and college playing for teams called “rebel” wearing red face paint whose political representatives are kindly reminding them that at this time there was no racism in the south actually as a shibboleth.

Those who fell out with this crowd for whatever reason back here have been been telling the rest of the country what the plan is as loudly as possible for like i dunno 40 years at least?

But fuck I want to see this and an honest discussion of Vance’s unhealthy upbringing in the mainstream media. Fucking do it cowards.