White House decries science


Not indirectly. Directly. Kids turn up to school from homes where Covid parties are a thing. Kids are fine. Kids are contagious. Kids pass Covid on to kids. Kids go home. Some time later, Grandma went to live on a farm upstate.
Just because the kids may not suffer doesn’t mean it’s safe. The rats came out of the whole Black Death thing pretty much okay.

Oh dear, comparing kids to plague rats, this is gonna go down badly. Oh well.


JFC - I mean literally right now 31% of all kids in FL have it. We’ll just see what happens to the other 70% and their families this fall. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/31percent-of-children-tested-for-covid-19-in-florida-have-been-positive-state-data-shows/ar-BB16LWAi


Zeus but I fucking hate that guy.


Yeah! Water is for toilets.


Despite the effort put forth to do the job well, I suspect the current National Press Stepford will soon buckle under the cumulative burden of obfuscating, deflecting, and denying consensus reality day after day.


Sorry, but this post is B.S.

She clearly meant that the current science research says that it is ok to reopen schools, not that the science should be ignored. She’s misrepresenting the current research, but in no way was she decrying science


I have read somewhere (and my brain has turned to mush, so I can’t remember where), that with the dumbing down of the school systems due to the Republicans packing school boards with the religious right, that the U.S. has lost, for generations, any hope of fostering minds like those that built NASA. Faith over science does not a leader in scientific development make.


are you joking?

Like, are you for real?

It has consistently been the GOP’s position for the last 40 odd years that if the science conflicts with what they want to do, that “the science should not stand in their way”

To interpret it any other way is to get the GOP’s position BACKWARDS.


“We should use whatever science makes us look good, and abandon all the science that doesn’t.”

Seems pretty clear to me. She’s clearly decrying science, in that science doesn’t work like that.


No I’m not joking. Believe me, I’m very familiar with the republican war on science. I spend a lot of time dealing with it. There are infinite examples of republicans decrying science, but this ain’t one.


The human Bratz doll is disturbed by your lack of faith.

This is a very redundant headline:

White House decries science


This, over here, today, was a rather good analysis of the denial of reality tendency. Ignore the headline (very little of this is about his niece’s memoir) and work through the Descartes, which is used to good effect to lay the ground for the main point.



I’m as much of Trump-despiser as anyone. Probably much more than most. But when I listened to the actual clip, including her following statements, it was clear to me that she didn’t mean it in the way that it’s being painted. I took it to mean “the science shouldn’t be a problem,” i.e. “the science is on our side” (which she more-or-less explicitly and immediately says). She’s wrong, of course, but it wasn’t as egregious an affront as the memes are going to make it out to be. This talking point is tailor-made for a Trumpist rebuttal, pointing our how her statements have been misinterpreted. And they’d be right, all the while distracting from the conversation about what the science actually says. We shouldn’t be tossing them softballs.


while that percentage is nuts, I think it’s worth clarifying that it’s 31% of the 54000 kids that were tested in FL, rather than literally 31% of all kids in FL.

That’s undeniably bad, but there’s a difference.


Supposedly Trump’s campaign has zeroed in on getting kids back to school as a winning campaign position. On the theory that parents frustrated by their kids always being around, or with limited childcare options, will be relieved and thankful that their kids are back in school no matter the circumstances.

Never mind that all the same sources and polls that say people are frustrated and struggling on this front also say that most parents don’t want their kids back in school.

They’re apparently locked in on the idea that sending kids to school no matter what, is the thing that will turn the election around for them. So they’re gonna keep pushing for it regardless of what’s going on.


And not just grandma, either:

etc. fucking etc.

I think her first quote is saying that the science should be ignored - because she’s indirectly referencing the CDC’s school reopening guidelines that indicate, under current conditions, that schools should remain closed. She then selectively references the science to falsely claim it shows schools should actually be reopened, but she’s contradicting herself. (Which is the conservative stance - that science is only real science when it agrees with you.)


I was with it until he went off on a wild tangent to attack Corbyn and the people who supported him.

I mean yes, he’s talking about people’s belief that they can will something into reality, and he obviously believes that’s how Corbyn supporters behaved in the last general election.
But to go from discussing Trump as a narcissist and his Niece’s criticisms of him to suddenly attacking a completely different person, ideology and political movement strikes me as the agenda of someone who’s still bitter at Corbyn and will find even the slightest excuse to attack him. There is barely, if any connective tissue between Trump and the GOP and Corbyn and his supporters.


Science Gandalf: