Whitey Bulger's family, lacking a sense of irony, file lawsuit over his 2018 murder

Then nobody counts, but try telling that to the ultra-wealthy.


Live by the sword, die by the sword.

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More accurate headline:

Whitey Bulger’s Family, Recognizing That He Was Not Sentenced to Death, Want to Know Why Prison Authorities Allowed Him to Be Beaten to Death


Certainly if Bulger had anything on Mueller that would’ve come out already, because, ya know, snitch… but plenty of FBI agents hated the shit out of Bulger, for a variety of reasons.

On the other hand, I’m sure Mueller knows all kinds of nifty details about whitey’s career that we plebs may never get to know

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That family would be William “the corrupt midget” Bulger. Former Speaker of the House in Massachusetts he’s testified that he believes his brother was involved in “Gaming”.

Ooh, the poor wheelchair bound old guy. Maybe they placed him in the prison that was warranted by the amount of death and destruction on his name?

I’m all for prison reform and treating prisoners like humans, but the victim card the family is playing here feels really wrong. The subtext of what they are saying sounds to me more like: “Why did you put a old, white, wealthy man among those common violent criminals? He was the highest level of criminal and thus deserves special treatment.”

Careful saying that, I posted pretty much exactly the same thing and it got flagged and removed by staff. Which is kinda bullshit really - it’s absolutely true. The IRA killed over 1500 people in 28 years and this scumbag was one of the folks supplying them with the guns and explosives they used - my sister and I were twice caught up in bomb scares around London, and a close friend of mine was in the RAF regiment deployed in N.Ireland and it took him years to get over the stress of simply being there, let alone all the friends and colleagues killed. If anyone in that prison had motive to kill him, it’s his own damn fault.

While details of exactly what happened are scarce (and I’m not really interested in looking them up to be honest) it should be kept in mind that prison inmates don’t let grudges slide and have little else to occupy them other than working out creative ways to find holes in security procedures juuuuust big enough to make good on them. While it’s been phrased as “allowed” this guy to be murdered, it may be more like “were unable to prevent”.

Finally, I should say that I’m actually a little disappointed with myself for my lack of concern over his death, and that his family and friends have my complete sympathy for their personal loss. If that sounds hypocritical, it’s because it probably is and I’ll have to deal with that myself.

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It doesn’t matter what things Whitey Bulger did, people said he did, or no one knew he did…no one deserves a death like that. Having known Whitey and his family for a while now, I am saddened to see the obvious setup by persons in the Bureau of Prisons and I know that the Bulger family, as well as their legal team, will do anything and everything they can to get to the bottom of this senseless tragedy.

I know some people say this is karma for all of Bulger’s crimes, but we have laws and rules in our prison systems for a reason. People need to stop and think about that. And still, my sympathy goes out to all the families of all the victims, whether killed by Bulger, or ordered killed by him, but mostly my sympathy is with Billy Bulger, who did nothing wrong and was guilty of no crime, but that of being a loving brother.

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Of course he deserved it. This is a casebook definition of someone getting what they deserve.

What it appears you’re trying to say is that we should be better than he was and NOT give him what he deserved - instead, we (as a culture) will be satisfied with removing his freedom for his remaining days. Fine. I don’t disagree, but make no mistake, he deserved it; if only because it was a situation of his own making.

I agree. This outrage though should be checked for hypocrisy by one thing, that lawsuit after lawsuit is filed so dangerous men can get into open population and out of solitary and special housing units. They list so many reasons for not having a person in solitary confinement, the only real way to be safe in prison. So for these wardens and workers to sit here go nuts over his placement, it’s in direct contradiction to all the prison reform supporters to get men out of their cells and socializing - interacting. No one is completely safe in prison, regardless of your status. Where was the outrage over Jeffrey Daumer brutal murder or others lesser know criminals who are killed in prison?

I favor human rights like most people, except when you hit the prison circuit for crimes - and then suggest all your wants and needs be met to your personal standards and beliefs, at the expense of tax payers and prison officials, and security protocols. Have you read the thousands and thousands civil complaints filed in Federal Court on things like specific meal plans, separate restrooms for different religious groups, single rooms requests more movies in Arabic, ability to sleep with my wife so we can have baby,the list long - and pages and pages of justification for their needs.

Lastly, one should never expect paradise in prison, violence happens daily throughout the entire system, and there is not enough money or man power to watch grown men 24/7 or giving them “special helpers” to make sure others don’t kill him. The prison is looking for ways to reduce spending, ie not spending extra money on sending him to a prison hospital where the cost of care is much much higher. Most likely he should have been in a prison hospital in MA - Devens, where it is close to his family.
I understand that he was old, weak, there lies the issue - but criminality can and does take your life, one way or another so it should be seen as deterrence. If they successfully sue the gov over this, then every prisoner assaulted, killed and maimed should be given the same equal treatment - and access to monetary compensation, btw, I don’t agree with that but here is an argument to equality. Negligence doesn’t mean willful intentions to murder.

Yes. In essence, he rode right into his own demise.

And now negligence they are claiming is now spreading to intentional wrong doing by transferring him - and supporting criminals along the way where prison reformers don’t want people in solitary confinement or special housing units, they advocate for them to be out of their cells in open pop socializing. Everyone knows open pop leaves you vulnerable to violence and solitary is the closest to safe as it can be in a prison setting. Then they want non-violent criminals not be sent to prison at all, as it would save Federal and State money and that would only support habitual crime mongering in society, to become once again, an expense -and then they also want special treatment, special assistance and high level security (tech and personnel) so dangerous criminals can interact with others prisoners while making sure no one gets assaulted or killed. Who in heck will fund both competing ideas? It bounds with contradictions and hypocrisy.

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