Why an obscure left-wing MP won the UK Labour leadership by the biggest margin in history

Sorry about forgetting the “u” in Labour, I’m just a simple American after all so English isn’t my first language.

Also you seem to have possibly misinterpreted my comment regarding tea with terrorists. Or was that intentional?

Yeah, the first paragraph is a mangled mess, and looks like some copypaste editing went awry.

It’s getting worse:

In September, the British Labour Party elected a new leader, Jeremy Corbyn, a dyWe’re I the only human to ever read the Player’s Handbook appendix, I too would commemorate it with custom plates ed-in-the-wool left-wing veteran MP who had been marginalised for decades by the increasingly right-wing Labour party – how did an unassuming long-shot without much in the way of animal magnetism or rhetorical fire win the party leadership election by the most decisive landslide in British history?

WTF… “We’re I the only human to ever read the Player’s Handbook appendix, I too would commemorate it with custom plates”

Charisma shortfall?

I’ve never heard it put that way before.

Charisma shortfall…Bit cumbersome, but gets the point across…I like it.

Understatement of the afternoon award then, if I may.

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