Why Bob Ross is the perfect Let's Play-er

Tail end of the 90s I was taking art at college and my mum and I would watch early morning re-runs of Bob Ross before I had to go catch the bus. I managed to start every day both super chilled out and inspired for a day of classes (which is good, because college level art seems to be about sucking the fun and enjoyment out of the creative process half the time).


User @miasm, please report to the GIF Bank thread.

Also worth noting is a drawing show I grew up with, also by a Bob who was in the USAF. For quite a few decades in New England we had drawing shows with nature facts hosted by Captain Bob, aka Bob Cottle. His relaxed encouragement and enthusiasm were certainly an influence on my prolific childhood illustrations - although mine tended to be drawn from fantasy more than nature.

I watched a bit of Bob Ross, but in my area he was on during a time I wasnā€™t usually watching television, and was moving more into the audio arts.


Iā€™m a huge fan of Bob Ross. Hereā€™s a speed painting of Bob Ross, done Bob Ross style. Hard to explainā€¦but check it out. http://airbrushpaintingsecrets.com/bob-ross-full-episodes-airbrush/

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I give you: Kim Beom, the Anti-Bob:

Background: this is a cutup of Beomā€™s Yellow Scream (2012). It was 31 minutes long. Unfortunately, you canā€™t find the whole thing online anymore - there was some setup. Like so:

I liked it a bunch.


Emergent culture is fun.

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The results have been genuinely beautiful: The Twitchers are transfixed by Rossā€¦

But, of course, the moment a female guest-painter shows up on the show, itā€™s toxic gamerbro business as usual:


Someone please remind me that pacifism is a good thing, because right now I feel like I want to start killing people. Between bro culture and the Tory government I am spoiled for choice too.

In case anyone wonders, I will not start harming people (except myself maybe). But itā€™s been too many years of abuse with many more on the horizon.


Oh jeez, dear gamerbrodudes, please do not reproduce. Ever. Also quit making me embarrassed for my half of the human species.
With Hate, Thanks, ME.

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It seems like thereā€™s no much risk of thatā€¦


Always go for the Tories firstā€¦ otherwise there is a danger that you might run out of puff and some might escape in to the sewers.

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