Why did 31 people suddenly die in a Pakistan village? A horrible mystery solved

Xeni wrote:

Umar Hayat’s family was celebrating the birth of a child. … For 31 of these party-goers, it was the last thing they ate in their lifetime.

Article seems to be saying 12 partygoers died, while 19 other (non-attendees) also died:

12 members of Hayat’s family were dead… At the same time, several dozen others who had purchased sweets from the same Tariq Hotel and Sweet Shop, also took horribly ill and were rushed to the hospital. By this week, 19 more who had consumed the sweets were dead.

In the end it’s the same number of people who died (31), but I somehow felt very marginally less awful that they weren’t all concentrated in one family celebration.


Then I’m really confused what the message he was teaching, how easy it was to be a mass murderer?


I’m just guessing here, but I’d wager that he wanted to wreck his brother’s business, he thought it would just make people sick and not kill them, and he’ll have a super tearful apologetic press conference.

And the lesson I hope everyone takes away from this is that you don’t poison anyone you don’t mean to kill. (much like the rule about pointing guns at people)


Why yes, just channeling the thoughts of your average conspiracy nut on a Pakistani street… You’d be surprised what one picks up over the airwaves when one’s body is ensconced in tin foil.

They did pinky swear never to do it again…


We should remember that torturing this idiot asshole won’t fix a damn thing. Yes, he should pay, but not with solitary confinement, nipple clamps or getting raped. This story just makes me feel bad, and anyone screaming for justice that lives in my country should shut the fuck up, because we’ve had our fair share of that kind of justice.


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