Why don't you flag?


Please, AP, don’t pretend you aren’t half (if not more) of this conversation.

Now it feels more like elementary school. Just back-and-forth “I know you are but what am I?”


I take this to mean you’re aware that you’ve added nothing, including what you said you came here to show. :wink:

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Don’t blame both sides for that, only one has gaslit, stated the opinions of others for them, and refused to provide evidence of claims!

I’ve thanked, admitted misunderstanding, and asked for clarification - and that’s directly to Skeptic.

Different rules for the victim, that’s what defines bullying. That’s what that is. Shameless semi-talented driving trollies.

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What’s amusing me is that these exchanges are FAR more hostile than anything of mine that got flagged and deleted! Some people can argue comfortably, and some flag if they feel contradicted.

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You fight like a dairy farmer.

We’re well off any semblance of topic at this point anyway. Might as well do something more fun instead.


denial of context is a tyranny. Maybe in context you seemed more hostile.

I’m not hostile to any person, but pretty hostile to disruptive behavior like misquotes of me and namecalling. I don’t take it personally though, not hardly. Seriously, yes. Personally, no.

Funny when a user can quote other people incorrectly to make a point, but won’t quote himself to make a point, despite stating a desire to but the audience isn’t worth it. Oh, wait, not funny… puerile.

Hell, even I agree with that.

Might as well do something more fun instead.

Right? This thread needed a dancing break a LONG time ago.



First you better stop waving it about like a feather duster.


I posted a link to the text of the relevant portions of the threads.

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that’s because you’ve proven an incapacity to agree with me, seemingly out of principle.

I’m sure it’s my ego in the way, along with all the other failings in this conversation we’re both part of but for which I am alone responsible.

I am so sorry for your humility problem!

great. I was speaking to someone else who refused to post a link.

But, to your point, Maybe in context you seemed more hostile?

that was a direct question. Do you care to share an opinion conversationally or change the subject autocratically?

Feels like Pre-K from this POV.

Please note, I’ve also been reasonable. That hasn’t been reciprocated.

Also, this is one thread. And it’s a meta thread about why we don’t flag.

Maybe we should more, but flagging doesn’t fix a lack of humility.

Yet your response was directed at me. I do not understand what you’re getting at in the last question.

Your story is disingenuous through and through. You are literally complaining that you were not enough of a dick to deserve the punishment, but your deleted post singled out and threw shade at another poster and it got flagged. You still didn’t prove your favoritism case through a closed thread and deleted post you are constantly trying to downplay your hostility.

Would I have deleted your post? I doubt I would. Were you being hostile? Without a doubt. You are now arguing degree which is entirely different.

[quote=“gellfex, post:234, topic:92209, full:true”]
What’s amusing me is that these exchanges are FAR more hostile than anything of mine that got flagged and deleted! Some people can argue comfortably, and some flag if they feel contradicted.
[/quote]Then flag it and let it be closed.


I see that you took this:

Funny when a user can quote other people incorrectly to make a point, but won’t quote himself to make a point, despite stating a desire to but the audience isn’t worth it. Oh, wait, not funny… puerile.

to be about you alone.

I submit that I would have called you by name if I meant you or you alone.

That I said ‘users’ might let you know that I wasn’t speaking about you specifically.

Now, IN THE CONTEXT OF WHAT YOU LINKED, Maybe in context you seemed more hostile? And I mean more hostile than whatever hostility you were referring to here. Maybe?

I’ve asked three times now, care to respect the question? I mean, really, if i can’t ask a question and have it respected then I am not in conversation, you’re in monologue with someone very controlling. Is that you, or could you deign to answer the question and share YOUR opinion on it?

Three times. That’s respectful, so return it or lose it.