Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

This is the crux of it, really. How we netizens get our information is irrelevant. It’s how the rest of the 300 million get their information, and how we can overthrow that paradigm. TV must die, and how will we make that happen?

For example, the US has 10 million more cell phones in use than the entire population of the country. List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia

So what gives? Why can’t that become the primary news device? Screen too small?

But wait, there’s this:

Half of Youtube views are on mobile devices.


That’s right. No one is doing that.


The most popular YouTube channels are stuff like Smosh, PewDiePie and Minecraft stuff. Those aren’t adults… it’s kids. #news is a grab-bag of the recent clips of popular stuff in the news from the major and minor media. It’s not a “show” like Last Week Tonight.

People use YouTube for clips and fun, at least in the USA.

What ifffffff… nahhhhh… OK… I’ll say it. What if someone important, say a guy like Mr. Sanders

What if THAT GUY, started using YouTube EXCLUSIVELY for his messaging, in addition to the huge rallies, and got, say, millions to tune OUT of TV and INTO their stupid handhelds?

Now might be the time to try something like that…



Clinton and Bush may duke it out on Twitter, but Sanders is social media king

Frankly, I think TrollZone Twitter is a powerful communications tool, but I look to Facebook to see where the real support is at. Hillary Clinton’s minions can very easily purchase Twitter astroturf accounts to inflate her numbers, but Facebook is much tougher nut to crack for astroturfers.

Unlike Twitter, Facebook accounts tend to be real people connected to real friends (or a least acquaintances) and actual family members. Meanwhile, Twitter is a haven for false identities, trolls, socks and astroturfing. Twitter is a powerful communications vehicle, but you use it to get more Facebook support which more often leads to real-world action.

And, I’m saying this as someone who hates Facebook.


But can it replace TV? It won’t, and Facebook won’t either. I’m saying the only rational alternative to TV is YouTube. At least right now. We don’t have another thing. Not Netflix, not HULU, not any of the others even touch YouTube’s video-into-your-eyeballs presence. YouTube is the only thing that could replace TV, which is the problem we are discussing: the corporate media being locked up for Hillary and Trumpover. Used the right way, YouTube could overthrow that paradigm…


What a dipshit. Sorry, but that is the dumbest move possible. To hell with Lessig.



You’re definitely correct that online video streaming can’t be ignored:

Google thinks they’ve already beat regular TV:


Will it translate into votes for Sanders? Sure! Will it be enough to beat Clinton and her non-stop commercials on regular TV? I hope so. The problem with that is two-fold, though. Those ads are also basically bribes to help keep regular TV news complicit in working for Clinton and against Sanders.

That said, here’s what’s going on thus far.

Bernie Sanders official YouTube channels:


Of course, there’s tons of unofficial channels as well. YouTube is a great, vital tool among other online tools. In my opinion, the best support that will translate into the most votes is via good, old fashioned word-of-mouth via grassroots supporters talking about Sanders to others and offline door-to-door campaigns as well. Those supporters will certainly utilize YouTube (I know I do!) along with Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

[quote=“awjt, post:315, topic:59394”]
What a dipshit. Sorry, but that is the dumbest move possible. To hell with Lessig.
[/quote]I think the air is getting too thin up in Lessig’s ivory tower and it’s making him very light-headed.

Lessig makes the silly, obtuse point that he’d name Warren as his VP and perhaps resign to give her the presidency. He should get the memo that Warren isn’t running and she needs to get foreign policy experience before she does run and/or become president. That’s one of the main reasons why she isn’t running in 2016.

He’s also said that his VP might be Sanders. Um, no… all that’s going to happens is Lessig is going to be a spoiler in favor of Hillary Clinton. I’m seriously losing respect for Lessig the more I think about this. What a fantastic way for Lessig to associate his good ideas on campaign finance reform with harebrained stunts that lack proper strategy. I hope he doesn’t ruin his good name by following through on this right now.


I forgot to link to this video:


But look at the article that @funruly linked above:

That person is a Bernie Sanders supporter (i.e., she has not endorsed him but she is excited about his candidacy) and wrote a lengthy piece explaining how this conflict made her feel and how she thinks about coming to some sort of positive resolution.

Every movement is going to have people who are eager to use aggression to defend it against all comers. I totally agree that those people will mostly have no problem being racist, sexist or whateverist against people who they perceive as threats. That doesn’t necessarily define the movement. When Colbert took on #CancelColbert on his show, he had to take a moment to break character and speak directly to people who were harassing Suey Park and tell them to cut it out. I think some top down message like that would be good (and it might already have happened for all I know) but even then I don’t think it would stop that kind of response completely.

What do you do when you suddenly find yourself in possession of attack dogs you didn’t purchase or train won’t listen to your commands? I think that’s still a tough question, but I don’t see any equivalence between that and something like :crocodile: where someone intentionally set off a directed attack by lying to a group of people known to be ready to attack.


And THIS is the problem with politicking via focus group. this right there… I’m not sure if campaign knows that this does not make her “down with the young people…”


This is great - it’s a real set of policy iniatives, which (as the article points out) is more than Clinton has done… (also, why, oh why, did I read the comments?)

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Outlawing for profit prisons - fuck yes. Nobody has the balls to match Sanders’ policies.


I wish I had thought of this joke first.



Yeah, that’s so amazing. See, the fact that he is including that in a racial justice platform shows that he actually gets what is going on (well, he gets it and he’s willing to actually do something about it).


Yeah, Sanders is something of a rarity in modern politics in that he actually listens to people who make criticisms of his rhetoric and policies, and changes course. I really appreciate that about him.


We can certainly thank factions of the BLM movement for that! This is why (despite the Seattle blunders), I still very much avidly support the BLM organization overall. They’ve also now finally gone after Jeb Bush which is a good start.

Unfortunately, they’re still catering to Hillary Clinton even after she quarantined some BLM activists into a little “free speech zone” room outside of her event (sent them to the back of the bus). Things are going in the right direction, but the light touch on Hillary Clinton is still painfully obvious and needs to stop.

I think TYT covered it nicely here:

I’m excited to see the BLM keep pressure on all candidates. Hopefully, they’ll finally start doing that in regards to HRC soon.


Sanders Shamelessly Pandering to Voters Who Want to Hear Truth


The BBC are not feeling the bern yet, I see. Not surprising, really given that they have to answe to the current regime.