Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

If only a 60:40 split could always have been described as Clinton doing well.


Seem to be a lot of people upset about the absentee voting, since it’s almost all for Clinton (99 out of 100 in one county, all 200 in another?), while those turning out are overwhelmingly Sanders supporters.

In other news, sounds like Missouri has flipped to Sanders just like Nevada did (or I’d read that it did, now I’m reading that it didn’t - I dunno). American politics is weird.



I don’t know if this is just me, but that embedded chart is making my browser do a weird thing when ever I click on this topic (it sends me back up thread whenever I try to scroll past it). Anyone else seeing that or is it just me?


If you try to scroll while in it, it scrolls the spreadsheet instead. Want I should get rid of it? Didn’t realize it would embed like that.

Well, I think it’s a valuable addition… and it might just be me. Is there some way to just link to it instead?

That’s better, I think.

I can imagine there might be a challenge to some of these absentee ballots if they really are almost all for Clinton. Seems to be only a small amount of reasons why they’re allowed - if they’re turning out to be a substantial percentage of the actual vote that doesn’t seem right.

Folks on twitter on both sides seem a bit tetchy about it.


Missouri hasn’t had a chance to change any numbers yet. Thursday night was the mass meetings of townships where we selected delegates to go to regional caucuses where they select delegates to go to the state convention in July.

Some districts didn’t have enough people caucusing for Hillary to send the full number of delegates that she was allocated in the primary, but from what I can figure, alternates can fill in for those missing delegates. It’s kind of a crazy and confusing system (even according to the party officials who ran the meeting I went to).


Lower corporate taxes then the US

To do all he wants to do, we all will pay more taxes. There are only 540 billionaires in the US, we could tax them at 90% and it is only a drop in the bucket.


What a great week to welcome @Cowicide back.


Socialism works great until you run out of other people’s money.

Who’s your preferred candidate, Gary?


Don’t hold your breath. I asked 2 days ago.


Haven’t you read the news: they have tax havens, even in the United States.

Also, Bernie plans to dismantle everything that the Koch Bros. built in the past 40 years.


Right now we use that so-called “other peoples’ money” to fund wars, imprison people for drug offenses that shouldn’t be, subsidize employees of Wal-Mart and McDonalds and other corporations owned and run by the fantastically wealthy, pay money directly to the criminals that nearly destroyed the economy, build incredibly expensive fighter planes that don’t work that the Air Force never actually wanted, etc.


Mitt Romney? Is that you?


I seriously cannot face palm hard enough right now. That is the fucking point we are trying to make. How do you not understand that 540 billionaires is 541 too many. In the entire world, one billionaire is one too many.


Yup. A proposed 2.2% increase in income tax and 6.7% payroll tax on employers. This is in exchange for not having to pay medical insurance premiums, deductibles, copays, etc. Given my current medical expenses, I stand to save approximately $13,000 a year under Bernie’s plan, plus insurance companies won’t be able to require (and then deny) prior authorization at an approximate cost of $10bn a year, plus I will have the satisfaction of watching Anthem fall over and die :slight_smile:

There are 16 million children living in poverty, whose families each need about $20K more a year to adequately cover their basic needs. If you taxed only those billionaires 90% above $250,000, all those families would be provided for… and the billionaires would still be goddamned billionaires.

And then we have 11 million millionaires we can also tax 90% above $250,000 to help pay for other stuff.


[quote=“Gerard, post:1432, topic:59394, full:true”]
Lower corporate taxes then the US[/quote]
In your first posts in this thread your complaint about Sanders policies was that they are incpompatible with Capitalism. Here however are several countries which implement a fuller vision of Democratic Socialism even that Sanders is calling for, and which are considered business-friendly.

The concrete evidence, from several countries, is that Sanders’ vision for the US can work and can coexist well with a favorable business climate. Any insistence otherwise in the face of such evidence is either naive fantasy or studied ignorance.

This weird American exceptionalism, which rejects time-tested, proven solutions to our problems on the unsupported basis that they can’t possibly work in the US, is such an impediment to progress in the country that it is hard to believe it isn’t fostered by our enemies to handicap us on the global stage.