Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

This is not true in Missouri, for one. The legislature refused Medicaid expansion which leaves out the most needy. Many receive tax assistance through the federal exchange, but only above a certain income level. Below that, they get nothing, apart for scorn from those who think they are too poor to deserve healthcare.

Also, poverty is about dollars. A marriage license does nothing to affect income.


What was your coverage through? Work, I guess? I can say that the cost of my insurance coverage has skyrocketed in the past decade. We pay more and receive less coverage.

And Iā€™ve known plenty of people dealing with the Obama care system. It is a nightmare and it can still be costly, both financially and with regards to the time sunk in trying to figure it all out. More people are covered now, but there are still huge holes, because some states (the ones that need to most coverage for their citizens) still refuse to play ball with Obama

Iā€™m glad to hear that youā€™ve survived cancer and Iā€™m sorry about your disability. Good luck and stay healthā€¦ and, as is our battle cry here on the BBS when this topic comes up - FUCK CANCER RIGHT THE IN THE GODDAMN EAR!!!


Largely because many couldnā€™t (legally, they had not right to do so and the depression meant those that could, couldnā€™t afford to do so), meaning that a number of individuals (mostly women, who were still covered by coverature laws- meaning they had not legal standing as single individuals) stayed in bad marriages - including abusive marriages. people divorce because they are legally able to do so, and they can get away from abusive spouses who if they stayed with them, they would end up dead.


Thatā€™s true, it is my babbieā€¦ I forgot thatā€¦ Thanks for reminding me Iā€™m a doofus! :wink:


I have not yet decided.

Kasich is your man, then. At least, unless Vlad the Imputin rides in on a unicorn at the convention.


Putin - makinā€™ Russia great again (at the expense of LBGQT Russians, all dissidents, democracy, parts of Ukraine, Syrians, etcā€¦)


Iā€™d recommend Vermin Supreme over Kasich.


Just north of the Canadian border the full cost of an uninsured eye exam for a person with no coverage whatsoever can be less than $100. The biggest problem with the American system is that health insurers - that is, the ones paying health bills - want healthcare costs to be higher because by paying more they are insuring a more valuable asset. Imagine if the majority of people bought houses through fire insurance companies, what would happen to home values? Just a couple of years ago I saw a NYT cover that compared costs of some very basic services in Ontario to New York. The average was five times higher in New York.

So while someone is working to earn $2000 a month, insurance companies are offering insurance on their health which the insurance companies agree is worth millions or tens of millions. A person who makes $2000 a month canā€™t afford insurance on something so expensive.

ā€œSorry, you canā€™t afford you.ā€


Vermin Supreme looks like the closest America has to the Official Monster Raving Loony Party


Within the State of NY, the cost for a normal childbirth can range from $1,400 to $22,000.

For those into spreadsheetery, NYU has assembled a pretty nifty dataset.


I have trouble communicating with the wilfully ignorant. Got a critique of Piketty?

Didnā€™t think so.


Cost to me for uninsured eye exam, booked within two days of my call (appointments were available earlier, I just couldnā€™t get there), diagnosing difficult to detect scar on bone at the back of my eye socket: Ā£0.

But you wouldnā€™t believe the socialist nightmare we have to constantly trudge through in Scotland everyday what with all the death and misery and lack of education and business and such.


I grew up listening to the same shit Gerard did from friends and their families. My dad was even more reactionary, so I learned early that there were two sides to American politics: Asshole and More Asshole. There are at least three definitions of asshole, one is approximated by the concept of ā€œmarkā€.

So with that, the dictionary taught me about triangles, and history taught me about the floating point and thinking for myself rather than regurgitating a bunch of nonsense. Geometry and math was pretty easy after that until field equations.


If by ā€œstudied historyā€ you mean ā€œlearned even the absolute most basic facts about what it was like to live in any era other than this oneā€ then I think we might have a pot-kettle situation here. Not knowing that the conditions under which divorce was possible were different in the 1930s than they are today is astounding ignorance of history.

:clap: :clap:


Ah, so youā€™ve been to Dundee.


To remind people of why the sexual revolution happened:

My grandmother grew up in a Depression-era household brutal enough that her three older brothers actively encouraged her to leave as soon as possible, and assisted in a conspiracy to help her elope with a soldier when she was 16.

The soldier then beat the hell out of her for a few years, before running off and leaving her to raise her daughter (my Mum) on her own throughout the war. He never came back, fortunately.

In the 1950ā€™s, she met a man kind-hearted enough to overlook the massive cultural prejudice against single mothers. He was a lifelong drunk, but you take what you can get. She then had half a dozen children in close succession, a process that stopped the instant that the contraceptive pill became available.

Her eldest daughter, my Mum, became pregnant at 15 (shortly before oral contraceptives). She was literally packed off to a nunnery; the neighbours were told she was visiting relatives in the country.

My mother never saw that child. She was told that she had a miscarriage, but was fairly heavily doped up. Given the practices of the time, itā€™s entirely possible that the child was stolen and given to some churchgoing middle-class couple to raise.

After my mother had me, she decided that was enough and went to the doctor for a tubal ligation. He refused to do the procedure unless she showed him my fatherā€™s written consent.


Only for swimming competitions and to look around The Discovery. :wink:

One of my best friends in college during the 1980s was a Norwegian of Pakistani origin. Northern European countries have a more diverse population than you give them credit for. Also, while itā€™s true that the oil money pays for university, Norwegians have compulsory service.


Last time I checked, Melbourne had the largest Maltese population in the world (including Malta).

Plus Greeks, Serbs, Croats, Vietnamese, Tamils, Afghans, Sudanese, Chinese, South Africans, Brits and ā€œAussiesā€ (aka Irish-Scots-German mutts). Plus, of course, a few hundred highly diverse indigenous nations.

Thereā€™s a weirdly common delusion that the USA is the only immigrant nation on the planet.


Speaking as an American, it is shocking (but not surprising) to me how badly informed Americans are of the world outside of our borders. I lived for years in England, also shorter stints in Edinburgh and Oslo, and Iā€™m not sure whether without that life experience I would be as thoroughly certain as I actually am that @Gerardā€™s posts are just pure ignorant rubbish.