Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton

Yeah, that’s going to be a problem.

Hillary and her idiotic, condescending supporters are their own worst enemy. The sad truth is while Hillary would certainly love to be the next president and will fight tooth and nail for it, she (and others in the establishment) will still be in the lap of corporatist luxury while her supporters get shit upon by yet another greater evil Republican if she “loses”. Either way, Hillary wins - because corporatists win.

IOW, Hillary supporters have been hoodwinked into thinking Hillary really gives a shit if she loses to a Republican. It’ll only hurt her bloated ego, but nothing more. The truth is Hillary would rather have any Republican in office than Bernie Sanders. That goes for most of the rest of the DNC as well.

Her real mission was to defeat Bernie Sanders. The DNC mission was to defeat Bernie Sanders. If that comes at the cost of alienating Bernie supporters (and other real progressives) and having Donald Trump as president, then so be it. The only candidate the corporatists (who support Hillary and other Republicans like her) truly fear is Bernie Sanders.

Anyone watching the corporate media with a trained eye should have seen this a long while ago.

First they desperately ignored Bernie and wished him away. When that didn’t work, they repeatedly said he was doomed even as he climbed up in a historic manner. When that didn’t work, they upped the anté with an increase in various voter suppression techniques. All the while they used old and tired “Bro” memes just like they used against Obama when he pretended to run against the establishment.

If you voted for Hillary in this primary, you’re just part of a fucking corporatist charade.

That said, I’ll vote for her in the general if there’s no other viable choice against the Republicans. And, then our grassroots efforts will amp it up from there to finish off what’s left of this despicable, corporatist Democratic party.