Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton

No, but, :open_mouth:

It may seem an obvious idea that a robot should do precisely what a human orders it to do at all times. But researchers in Massachusetts are trying something that many a science fiction movie has already anticipated: They’re teaching robots to say “no” to some instructions.

No, however I did join the Rainbow Push Coalition of Jesse Jackson.


On August 9, 2000, President Bill Clinton awarded Reverend Jackson the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor

He began his theological studies at Chicago Theological Seminary but deferred his studies when he began working full-time in the Civil Rights Movement with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

In 1984, Reverend Jackson founded the National Rainbow Coalition, a social justice organization based in Washington, D.C devoted to political empowerment, education and changing public policy. In September of 1996, the Rainbow Coalition and Operation PUSH merged to form the Rainbow PUSH Coalition to continue the work of both organizations and to maximize resources

And now, the founder of the Rainbow Push Coalition, Jesse Jackson, has joined the list of prominent Americans who have endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.


Jackson, speaking in Chicago, said he trusts that Clinton will look out for the interests of marginalized communities including refugees, immigrants and the poor

@khepra, I got to know: what drew you to Hillary Clinton? I just
 I can’t see how anyone can get excited for her. She feels like a flat concession to an older generation that looted mine. I can’t save money, I can barely help my family fend off debt owed to the 2008 crash, and every year the status quo stands is basically a year I lose in quiet frustration and desperation. But you got a different story right?


I’ve been thinking of asking this question of @khepra and a few other Clinton backers around here. I can understand another person disagreeing with my reasons for disliking her. But when I think about why people actually back her - feel excited to support her - I come up with nothing.

I keep saying in threads that she needs to do some real positive campaigning to beat Trump, to give people something to vote for instead of just Trump to vote against. I’ll admit that’s at least partly projection. I really want her to tell me why anyone should vote for her. I’d like to understand, but I just find support for Clinton confusing.


I once bumped into Jackson at O’Hare Airport. Literally. He didn’t even apologize for my accidentally walking into him.

My wife was a Rainbow Coalition delegate back in the 80s. Ideologically, they were very closely aligned with
Bernie Sanders.


According to you, that was the case in the 80’s, that’s fine. :relieved:

However in 2016, Jesse Jackson has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.

You posted:

“I once bumped into Jackson at O’Hare Airport. Literally. He didn’t even apologize for my accidentally walking into him.” :hushed:

Did you apologize to Jesse Jackson for bumping into him? :open_mouth:

Why do you think Jesse Jackson should apologized to you–when as you posted: “I once bumped into Jackson at O’Hare Airport. Literally.?” :astonished:

I have posted reasons throughout this thread topic.

It is not just me. It is the opinion of the majority of voters in the now concluded democratic presidential nomination process.

A fitting conclusion, as tonight CNN has just projected Hillary Clinton will win the Washington D.C. primary.

People can change. For example, Donald Trump is an even bigger asshole now than he was in the 80s.


You said that already.

It is telling that he waited until after California. Note that Clinton did not endorse Jackson in '84 or '88, but Burlington’s mayor did.

The welfare reform policies of Clinton’s husband, opposed by Jackson, drove millions of minority children into poverty, and the Crime Act incarcerated millions more (or more likely some of the same millions). Let us hope that this Clinton has learned from the blunders of her husband.

Yes, of course.

I dunno. Maybe the same reason that Clinton supporters think it is sexist to demand that Clinton release her Goldman-Sachs speeches?


One thing that really needs to stay on the table is the fact that a huge number of Sanders voter are anti-establishment and many weren’t going to vote at all (voter fatigue, knowledge of statistics, etc.) if not for the fact that they suddenly had a candidate they were going to vote FOR.

With Clinton winning, and winning by opposing the very things that made Sanders so appealing, there’s no reason to expect them to respond positively to what could easily be perceived as a ‘bait and switch’.

And if the democratic party is similarly going to be a center-barely-left-to-anybody-who-isn’t-American anti-socialist anti-single-payer pro-insurance pro-lobby industry with almost NO balls/ovaries when it comes to doing the right thing, then it’s very possible that they lost people they could have had to apathy.

If Clinton and the Democratic party don’t make concessions to the ACTUAL progressives then that’s everyone’s loss.


Republican detected.


Gridlock, however, is legislative. A look at the executive tactics available to a Trump suggests the potential for mischief. The Constitution is only a document. It has survived despite bouts of excess because even our most reckless leaders have respected its basic norms. Nixon, Johnson, and Cheney were paragons of constitutional restraint compared with Donald Trump.

MIX THE WORST EXCESSES under Nixon et al., throw in J. Edgar Hoover and the Red Squads, Southern sheriffs winking at mobs, add the digitized national-security state, blend with Trump’s own personal malice, and you get a sense of the brew. Here are some particulars.

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I’ve been reading this thread and I’ve honestly walked away with no understanding of what you or anyone else likes about her.

I hear we need to elect a Democrat to the white house to appoint judges. I hear the Republicans are awful, and Trump is especially awful. I hear having a female president would be great. I hear that she’s ahead in the polls.

When presented with: Who would you rather vote for: Donald Trump (R) or Literally Anyone (D)? The choice is pretty clear.

But what is it that gets people excited about Hilary Clinton. I’ve scrolled up through about 150 posts and the only thing I’ve found unique to her is that she supports security measures that I vehemently oppose. I mean, this isn’t about convincing me of anything since I won’t be voting for anyone for president of a foreign country (to me). I just don’t know what Clinton has done that makes people like her.


In this specific case, I’m still going for ‘paycheque’ as the reason, despite the unconvincing denials.


Okay. I’m trying really hard to understand. Reading your very first post again, would it be fair to summarize why you’re voting for Hillary (as opposed to against her rival) as “she will continue / iterate on Obama’s policies, and Obama’s policies are working almost optimally”? I could get that. I strongly disagree about the optimality of those polices, but I can at least see where you’re coming from.


Yeah, that’s going to be a problem.

Hillary and her idiotic, condescending supporters are their own worst enemy. The sad truth is while Hillary would certainly love to be the next president and will fight tooth and nail for it, she (and others in the establishment) will still be in the lap of corporatist luxury while her supporters get shit upon by yet another greater evil Republican if she “loses”. Either way, Hillary wins - because corporatists win.

IOW, Hillary supporters have been hoodwinked into thinking Hillary really gives a shit if she loses to a Republican. It’ll only hurt her bloated ego, but nothing more. The truth is Hillary would rather have any Republican in office than Bernie Sanders. That goes for most of the rest of the DNC as well.

Her real mission was to defeat Bernie Sanders. The DNC mission was to defeat Bernie Sanders. If that comes at the cost of alienating Bernie supporters (and other real progressives) and having Donald Trump as president, then so be it. The only candidate the corporatists (who support Hillary and other Republicans like her) truly fear is Bernie Sanders.

Anyone watching the corporate media with a trained eye should have seen this a long while ago.

First they desperately ignored Bernie and wished him away. When that didn’t work, they repeatedly said he was doomed even as he climbed up in a historic manner. When that didn’t work, they upped the antĂ© with an increase in various voter suppression techniques. All the while they used old and tired “Bro” memes just like they used against Obama when he pretended to run against the establishment.

If you voted for Hillary in this primary, you’re just part of a fucking corporatist charade.

That said, I’ll vote for her in the general if there’s no other viable choice against the Republicans. And, then our grassroots efforts will amp it up from there to finish off what’s left of this despicable, corporatist Democratic party.


Found on dailykos


I think the 25-year-old Hillary Rodham was truly admirable. (I say this as an old guy who should be yelling at the young Hillary to get off of my lawn.) This is what made the criticisms by her surrogates of young Sanders supporters so ironic. Enough of her young idealism still occasionally pokes through her rhetoric to appeal to her non-corporatist supporters.

I completely disagree with @Cowicide that Clinton or anyone in the DNC would prefer Trump to Sanders, or even that they would have preferred any of the other GOP candidates to Sanders. The problem with the Democratic Party is that the post-Reagan party doctrine of sacrificing values to achieve victory has made elections about labels instead of policies. This means that the DNC is not supporting Clinton because she embraces corporate values, but rather because she is a dues-paying Democrat despite those traditionally-Republican values. If her clone ran as a Republican they would have opposed the clone just as strongly as they will oppose Trump.


ah yes, clearly the guy who went up against Hillary Clinton with almost no traditional media support and still won 22 states is EXACTLY the same as a bratty child.

He’s not entitled to anything, fuck all those people he brought into the democratic party who normally don’t vote! Completely ignoring him and his supporter base TOTALLY won’t let the democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of victory yet again!


Do you have any hard statistics on these?