Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton



Bernie Sanders is radical only for those who don’t have a proper pulse on most of the nation. Bernie Sanders is mainstream, however, the corporate media and lackey punditry would like us all to believe otherwise.

That said, Bernie Sanders should release all of his sekrit speeches he’s held behind closed doors for monied interests. Then again, those speeches are so sekrit that many sane people suspect they don’t actually exist in the first place. Bernie is an evil genius that way.


Thanks, great read, Monbiot rocks. I’ll probably get the book that seems to be from. In exchange, something more hopeful (though maybe too, um, starry eyed).


Gawd, what a great example of how she’s SUCH a typical politician with the non-answer answers.


"Let me tell you this … "

"Let me just say … "

"First off … "

“The other day …”

All great examples of how not to answer an yes/no question. Shit like this doesn’t fly in any other situation other than a debate.


You posted:

“Do you understand why people want to know what Clinton said in those speeches?”

Is this why?



He described a progressive blogger who wrote a favorable column about the former secretary of state but was compelled to post it under a pseudonym out of fear of blowback from Sanders proponents.

“She and other people who have gone online to defend Hillary and explain – just explain – why they supported her have been subject to vicious driving trollies and attacks that are literally too profane often – not to mention sexist – to repeat,” Clinton said.

Sadly, far to many Bernie Sanders supporters are sexist, rude, disrespectful and not to different from Donald Trump supporters.

One reason "Why (** *** ***) to vote for Hillary Clinton, is because she has made sure that her campaign and supporters have not used vulgar, crass, coarse and crude words/terms to define their perceived characterization of the political and personal attributes and characteristics of Bernie Sanders.

Wow, you’re still here. I’m kind of impressed.


Good, I am glad we agree.

Bernie should release the transcripts of any paid or unpaid speeches he has ever given, so the media and Hillary Clinton’s campaign and supporters can gleam any negative comments that can derail his presidential hopes.

This after all is the reason why the media (initiated by Chuck Todd in a democratic presidential debate!), Bernie Sanders, his campaign and supporters, want Hillary to release her paid Wall Street speeches.

A unprecedented request that no male presidential candidate to my knowledge has ever been subjected to–and in spite of the fact that there is no evidence of Hillary ever using her position of authority to engage in illegal corruption on behalf of Wall Street.

If we are going to create a new political matrix for Hillary, than apply it to all the current male presidential candidates as well.


As @Cowicide pointed out, Sen. Sanders can agree because he raised money from people who work and take care of dependents, not giant corporations.

And your point that other candidates haven’t been pressed enough to release their Wall Street speeches is well taken.

Transcripts of all candidates’ speeches to Wall Street firms should be released so voters can have all the facts before voting.


That might be apropos if they were $2 bills, but this is the dumbest, most naked trolling horseshit you’ve posted so far.

Not to mention being vulgar, coarse, crass, and rude.


Was Gawker fair when it reported on HRC’s supporter, Mayor de Blasio?

Hillary Clinton Tries to Prove She’s Not Racist With Awkward Joke About “Colored People Time”

Coming off her husband’s hard to watch exchange with Black Lives Matters protestors last week, you’d think Hillary Clinton would be extra sensitive to anything that could even potentially paint her as racist right now. Which makes her and Bill de Blasio’s ill-advised joke about “C.P. time” or “colored people time” at a dinner this week all the more bizarre. …


I’ll take that as a no, then.


You should really, really hope that Trump doesn’t become the GOP nominee, because if you think Sanders has been tough on this subject…


Khepra, you are being deliberately obtuse. The reason Sanders supporters are interested in Clinton’s speeches, the reason Sanders supporters staged their protest of the people paying $30k apiece for access to Clinton at Clooney’s house, is because they perceive their country as being taken over by space aliens wealthy plutocrats, and are asking, begging Clinton to prove that she is not a puppet for these pyramid-building bug-eyed monsters interests.

Whether Sanders or his campaign staff also has a political interest in these papers is beside the point. Perhaps his public calls for release of the speeches are cynical, but that is not the case for all the Sanders supporters who are calling for the same thing. Clinton’s responses, especially her deflections with accusations of sexism (which, let’s be honest, sound extra strange coming from Bill), are certainly political, and it is hard to believe anyone not directly connected to her campaign would repeat them as if they were legitimate arguments.


You posted:

“And your point that other candidates haven’t been pressed enough to release their Wall Street speeches is well taken.”

No, that is not my point–and it is a mistake Hillary and the advisors she is paying are making.

All other presidential candidates republican or democrat, should have the same type of unprecedented request made of them; and release any paid or unpaid speeches they have given–not just Wall Street.

Bernie Sanders keeps using the disingenuous line of never giving any paid Wall Street speeches. Bernie Sanders has been a member of the U.S Congress since 1991–elected members of the U.S. Congress and government officials are prohibited by ethics laws from giving paid speeches to Wall Street, Defense Contractors or any other entity.

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So they are prohibited because of ethics laws - but it was okay for Clinton because she was between the Senate and the White House at the time? Given the long-term closeness of Goldman Sachs in particular to both of the last two Democratic administrations, why shouldn’t we be interested? Why wouldn’t she want to remove doubt? Doesn’t she want to build trust?

As far as the Republican candidates go, I take it as a given that GOP candidates are corrupt to the bone. It’s basically their party position.


Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and any other potential or rumored republican presidential candidate, are all politically, socially, culturally and morally bankrupt. In politics you comment and address political issues as they arise–that does not mean you are concerned or are somehow afraid.

Low-end political grandstanding over Wall Street, Bengahzi, e-mails or anything else Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump regurgitates, will not prohibit Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton from winning the democratic presidential nomination–and inevitability make history by becoming the first female and 45th President of the United States.


So she shouldn’t release the speeches? I really didn’t expect you to say that. Yikes!

Do you not remember from Whitewater days what media are going to do with that? … What is she hiding? Etc.


You posted:

“Given the long-term closeness of Goldman Sachs in particular to both of the last two Democratic administrations, why shouldn’t we be interested?”

What do you mean by “closeness” ?

Are you equating “closeness” with illegal and corrupt activities; and associating and accusing President Obama and former President Bill Clinton of having engaged in unlawful and corrupt actions that financially benefited Wall Street?

You are aware that Hillary is not the only person with access and knowledge of her paid speeches. Why is it that no one has leaked any negative comments she made during her paid speeches?

Wall Street entities by a overwhelming majority are running more political attack ads against Hillary than Bernie–what does that tell you?