This… really doesn’t work. Baby in a basket, sure. Raised by a different culture, well, ok, that’s missing most of the context. Faced with his origins? Well, I guess this would work if Earth was actively enslaving Kryptonians? If Jesus’s basic gist is “Savior who sacrifices himself to save the world,” Moses is “prodigal son returns to lead his people to a better life.” (Both of these are obviously oversimplified). I’m also very confused by the guy’s claim that no one remembers the middle part of Moses’s story. Y’know, the part with the burning bush and all that?
The suggestion for making the middle-act of a Superman movie work is valid, but the comparison to Moses doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
i didn’t watch the video, but wouldn’t that and/or the ten commandments be the fortress of solitude? where he goes to consult with a voice who’s guiding him through his life?
[ ive got no idea granted when the fortress became part of the superman story ]
The fortress goes way back in the comics (50s or 60s) but I think the voice within the fortress guiding him only goes back to the Christopher Reeve movies.
Not really. In the context of the video, he was asking why Superman doesn’t just go around saving everyone all the time (and pointed out that Snyder’s take was bullshit). He then goes and points out that everyone knows the beginning and ending of a Superman movie (baby in a basket, big CGI battle) and the Moses story (baby in a basket, big wet CGI)*, but then pointed out how no one thinks of the middle of the Moses story, which he also gets wrong. (He claims that Moses tried to save the Jews before killing an Egyptian guard then fleeing to the wilderness, burning bush, etc., but that’s not what the Torah says. He was just pissed at a particular guard for being brutal.)
*This is, famously, not the end of the Moses story, because all the Ten Commandments stuff happens after.
maybe off topic, but now that i think about it: the fortress is now seriously misnamed.
where are you off to?
my fortress of solitude.
alone time is good.
well… actually it’s my dad’s place, and he’s always there. like always, always.
i think that probably has something to do with the expanding scope of superman’s powers over the years. i’m no superman expert, but it seems he just got more and more unstoppable as time went on.
and yeah: i could definitely see the moses story being a starting off point for superman’s story. but definitely not the whole story. i don’t remember either jesus or moses testing out their reporter chops.
I heard about it in high school, and asked to read it back in college rather than The Brothers Karamozov – it sounded much more interesting, and it was. The switch was approved because it was for an illustration assignment rather than a literature class.
(I am extremely particular about what I spend my life reading after being forced to read Madame Bovary in college, and literally despising every minute of it. I aced then test and swore to my instructor that I would never again read a book I didn’t actually want to read. I have remained true to my word.)