Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/06/why-these-scientists-are-teach.html
No good can come of this.
At first read the logo on the robot is “EROS”.
As with everything in robotics, they should just wait for the spillover research from the sexbot industry. You know they’re probably way ahead.
“Is that a vacuum tube in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?”’
No thanks.
““We need four hugs a day for survival.”
That is utter BS.
Yeah, I get way more hugs now that I have a 3yo and a 7mo, but I feel like I’m dying a lot faster than before…
How about creepy hugs that you really could do without? How do those count?
I just want a robot that gives ice cream.
Killbots need hugs too - but programs must complete…
Temple Grandin’s first version of her hug-machine; very much a pre-prototype, made in college:
Children raised with Hugbot in place of natural parents were 39% more likely to vote Republican and torture small animals.
Motorized cow brushes seem to be in the same genre; albeit a bit simple to qualify for “robot”.
The Disney scientists are working on making that guy a reality:
I’m genuinely torn. Is getting a hug from a robot any less masturbatory than fucking a robot, or a doll? And should it matter one way or the other? I’m slightly less squicked by the Fuck doll scenario, but then, I’ve never interacted with either kind of mechanism, so I mustn’t judge.