Why you don't need 8 glasses of water a day

There is no evidence that evidence based practices improve outcomes


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The ER doc told me he had women come in saying that the stones were worse than that.
All I know is it fucking hurt and I was nauseous to the point of getting dry heaves and it sucked. Also the only thing that made it quit hurting was the morphine or equivalent of I got via IV at the ER. The stupid vicodin didn’t do much at all other than make me not mind enough that I could sleep. I think the anti-nausea pills were the bigger help for me so I could actually eat and drink.


Pretty much what I heard of them as well. My chem prof once walked into lecture and said something like “Sorry guys that I was unable to make it on Monday. Got a kidney stone and the doctors had me on some pretty incredible drugs, so apologies if I’m less than coherent today. Just yell my name if something doesn’t make sense.”


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