Wikileaks: a "state party" has cut off Julian Assange's primary internet access

That’s an easy assumption to make. But in my experience, which involved precisely the sort of events she was speaking at. Noone escapes these things. Regardless of level. If there wasn’t an over broad NDA then the speaker’s contracts involved some sort of restriction.

And that’s nothing to do with authorship or copyright. Those sorts of things aren’t typically involved in public speaking engagements. You still own that work. Even if you are prevented from publicly releasing/acknowledging the same speech as explicitly written and given for a specific organization on a specific date. That allows you to re-use it. Reconfigure it. Publish in other forms without Goldman going “we own that give us money”. But you can still be very much restricted from saying “This is the speech I gave to Goldman on Schmoozsday, Novembrey 39th, in the year of our lord 197008”. In that situation, if the demand is “release these specific speeches you gave to Goldman, during these specific events” then you very well may not be able to without getting sued.

Pace greenwald, it’s not either/or. the content is newsworthy, sure, and so is Putin/Russia’s involvement. It’s up the reader to decide which is more interesting to them. Me, I think Russia’s spreading selective information, with possible larding in of misinformation (who can know? there’s so much of it, and it’s a classic technique for any secret police), is more interesting than Clinton’s chamber-of-commerce style speeches to GoldSachs.

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Ecuador’s leftist government said WikiLeaks’ decision to publish documents impacting the U.S. election was entirely its own responsibility, and the country did not want to meddle in election processes or favor any candidate.
“In that respect, Ecuador, exercising its sovereign right, has temporarily restricted access to part of its communications systems in its UK Embassy,” it added in a statement.


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