Wikileaks posts CIA document tranche

Oh, the WikiLeaks couldn’t care less about those, or any hacked Republican e-mails. Releasing those wouldn’t hurt Clinton or win favor with Putin-senpai.


You confuse Trencher and Tranche. Both words come from Old French, both originally had something to do with bread (Tranche = a slice, and Tranchier = to cut), so your confusion is natural.

Tranche = a slice or piece of something. Originally bread, nowadays money or some other thing that’s being disbursed in chunks.

Trencher = a round flattish piece of bread used as a plate, often shaped to have a rim to keep juices from running over the table. Not actually intended to be eaten themselves, trenchers were not leavened and weren’t very appetizing. Lower class people would eat their used trenchers if they were hungry enough, otherwise they would be fed to pigs (pigs were the medieval all purpose garbage disposal animal). People of means would give their used trenchers to the poor.

The last vestige of trencher-based cuisine these days is the pie crust.

ETA: my bad, I was mixing up trenchers (dry ends of stale bread with a hard crust, used as bowls) and coffins (purpose made unleavened crusts intended to hold a juicy dish as it was baked, not actually intended to be eaten).

Trenchers were often eaten by people, since the meat juices would soften and flavour the otherwise unappetizing stale crusts they were made out of. Those who could afford to do so, however, did not eat their trenchers - one of many bits of conspicuous consumption engaged in by the medieval 1%. Coffins were, as a rule, not eaten by people, merely used as disposable containers for the stew or fruit dish baked in them.


best code name ever! thank you dr. who!

have you seen how small on-board microphones are these days? crack open your smart phone, and unless you have really good eyes or a loop you likely won’t even see it. a lot of laptops have just a small chip on the camera assembly that can’t be disconnected without disconnecting the entire camera.

HUGE HUGE DIFFERENCE…imho. The former allows interception of secured communication between any two devices, the latter requires a compromised device to grab audio at the os level before it enters the apps security chain. The level of difference is akin to the difference between being able to listen to any phone call in the world, or being able to listen to your specific phone call because i’m hiding near your phone. The former is oh F*ck, the latter is well duh!


An attack against Samsung TV’s used “Weeping Angel” in cooperation with MI5, placing them into a “Fake-Off” mode, recording conversations even when the device appears to be off.

There’s a Doctor Who fan in there somewhere. (Probably MI5.)


Pedant note: loop is a thing that’s round. loupe is a magnifying lens.

Nobody in their right mind would want to disconnect the microphone in their smartphone because without it, it’s useless as a phone. Buy a phone with a secure OS, and turn it off and/or disconnect the battery when paranoia is appropriate.

If the microphone is build into a laptop’s web cam, then that makes things much simpler - if you are worried about such things, disconnect the whole assembly and your laptop can no longer be used as an AV surveillance device.

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Wait… did RT seriously use a Yakov Smirnoff reference?!

It takes serious balls to use a Soviet defector’s humor to criticize the country he defected to.


It’s not exactly 1985 anymore.


Right-wing Twitter is taking this dump as vindication of Trump’s wiretapping claims.

Me, I wish the CIA were good enough at this Cyber thing to hack Wikileaks and use them to distribute Trump’s tax returns.


PC programmers can do amazing things with limited hardware.


thanks, i’ll try and remember that, but having always been a horrid speller, and having gone back and forth from canadian/british/american spellings, i’m afraid I’m totally a lost cause when it comes to when to vowel and when to disemvowel words. ¯\_ :slight_smile: _/¯

there certainly are a lot of devices where someone with a reasonable level of technical skill can disconnect the web cam or microphone, I don’t disagree with that.

I mainly wanted to point out that looking forward this becomes less and less feasible. even many current gen tech devices makes that process much more difficult sometimes near impossible, without damaging the device. The mic component is often the size of a pin, soldered directly onto the device board, and sandwiched between layers that have been glued together. Most people do not have the skills to physically disable their devices mics without damaging their device. Following the trend, this will be even more so in even just the next two year. the latest macbooks are built more like tablets or phones, then previous gen laptops, same with microsoft surface devices, etc. many IoT devices contain more generic boards with unused sensors not applicable to that device that can be hacked and activated, etc.

I’d personally like to see device manufacturers add physical switches to disable these functions of any device, a “real mute” that cuts connection to all video and audio input. I’d also like them to physically disable this functionality on any device sensors that are not used by a device.


Is the correct answer, “For the good of the American public”?


How about a really small fan clipped in front of the mic? Something that generates white noise. At least make it harder to hear.

Tranche or tranch. Which is it???

Nerds of today would do well to study the regrets of Einstein, Feynman, Oppenheimer et al.

And then stop taking damned gov/contracting defense jobs.


I don’t think many here are going to disagree with the idea that Wikileaks has an agenda that dictates what they publish and when.


The funny thing is that Yakov Smirnoff rarely used the Russian reversal joke technique yet it’s somehow immortalized as being part of his schtick.


I love you.

The interesting thing about CGA is if you used composite you could get far better colors than the drab blues and pink hues we are used to seeing.

Then there’s this bit of insanity which will blow your mind:


Hallo the is Moscow calling, so Donald, our timing good, da?


I believe you are forgetting the Clam Chowder Bread Bowl.