Originally published at: Wild animation found on a computer in a library in Estonia | Boing Boing
Witches have more fun.
Is it one of those mysterious videos that kills whoever watched it after one week?
Really hope not!
Only if you fail to immediately send the entire contents of your savings account to a certain PO Box in Estonia.
Luckily I remembered that Japanese movie and stopped the video just before the end. I think this will protect me and that little girl wearing a weird nightgown on TV must be the new Lady Gaga´s video.
But I’ve already sent everything to that widow of the CEO Prince who needs to get her fortune out of the country.
The language is Swedish and this sounds and looks pretty old! Super interesting!
Welp! Looks like Eastern Europe’s phenomenal run on cleverly imaginative, high quality animation has ended.
It’s somehow familiar, but I don’t think that’s what I was thinking of.
(Can’t be bothered to check for an olden reboing.)
Interesting how the devil character apparently has sex, even though he doesn’t appear to be, um, “anatomically correct”…
Found on a computer in the last exhibit of an Estonian museum in Tallin
So, uh, “found on a computer” in the sense that it was being displayed on a computer as part of a museum exhibit? “Found on a computer” makes it sound highly mysterious, occult, even - like it materialized on someone’s computer by unknown means, or was already stored on a computer sold by the strange proprietor of an obscure antique shop that wasn’t there the next time they came back to look for it. Instead it’s more “I saw this and decided to commit a copyright violation.” LOL. (Still cool, though. Now to mysteriously leave it behind on a random computer somewhere…)
The Blair Witch meets War Games.
Oglaf to the rescue
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