Wild video of beachgoers running from annoyed sea lions in San Diego

Originally published at: Wild video of beachgoers running from annoyed sea lions in San Diego | Boing Boing


Many of us on this BBS know how those beachgoers feel. If you take away the soundtrack you’d clearly hear the sealions saying “I would like to have a civil conversation about your statement.”


There are signs all over the cove reminding folks to stay away from the sea lions. Some folks just don’t pay attention.


Oh boy…as soon as I saw the headline I knew it was going to be about the Children’s Pool beach in La Jolla.

There is a very controversial history about the interactions between sea lions and humans at this particular beach that goes back decades - with strong cases to be made from both sides. It’s not just a simple matter of dumb humans harassing the animals:


Came here to post this. As you note, this is a long and ugly conflict.


Coo coo ca choo


The Sea Lion Apocalypse has begun.

I, for one, welcome our chonky overlords.


When a 250+ pound predator charges at me, I tend to move out of the way quickly as well.


I mean, they looked like they were staying away to me. :rofl:

Also, wtf was that Beach Boys cover about rolled up sweat pants and Reeboks with the strap? Did I mishear it?

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Well the post got boing boinged (how I like to refer to a double post) so I’ll double my comment into this busier thread :wink:

Reminds me of a local incident of people failing to appreciate that large wild animals are best given the space they deserve. (Thankfully the kid was not seriously physically injured)

Back to California.
I hope they charge the person who got too close. Not just for bothering a protected species but for the risk they put everyone else nearby in.


This sentiment is precisely at the crux of the long and protracted conflict between Seal Advocates and Beach Access Advocates at Children’s Pool Beach. Over a dozen lawsuits and hundreds of arrests and physical fistfights have occurred there and who is in the right depends entirely on your perspective:

Those who advocate for beach access argue that harbor seals are overly abundant, and that their existence at the manmade CPB is unnatural and therefore should not supersede the original intent for the beach to be a safe place for children to swim. They believe shared use is possible and access to beaches is their right. Those advocating for seal protection at CPB argue that seals are vulnerable to human harassment and require protection during pupping season. They feel that CPB is vital to the harbor seal life cycle and provides a unique opportunity for children to view and learn about harbor seals in their natural habitat.

Increased seal numbers and increasing interactions between people and seals, magnified by pending lawsuits, escalated the conflict between seal advocates and beach access advocates. According to public records, between February 2009 and January 2010 police responded 184 times to conflicts at CPB, with 37 cases of disturbing the peace and 4 cases of battery

“There used to be a bunch of people…they used to fish out on the end of that walkway, they weren’t causing anybody any trouble. But these animal people would surround them and intimidate them…. [believed they were] taking the fish the seals would eat, I don’t know what it was. They wanted them [people] out of there and they’ve actually got them all to leave, which they said they would, they would surround people and then they’d start a confrontation and then somebody [a seal advocate] would fall down and say this person pushed him down and well they got 10 people who agree with them there.” (Beach Access Advocate)

“I’ve got personal experience being yelled at by them. The ‘Seal Nazis’ are fanatics. They are fanatics…they wouldn’t understand the word compromise if you spelled it for them 10 times. They’re fanatics and they’ve created the conflict because they’d go down there with their microphones and their TV cameras and film people who are walking on the beach and harass tourists. I mean, they do things, it’s amazing you can get away with it.” (Beach Access Advocate)

“During the time I was around the pool and down at the pool we got into discussions and arguments. A friend of mine got into a physical argument; we made a kelp line and my friend came down with a stun gun and the anti-seal guy jumped him and the cops who didn’t know what to do, and [who] had been anti-seal, arrested him.” (Seal Advocate)


“Why won’t you discuss towel sharing? You’re being hysterical.”


I’ve been in La Jolla and personally witnessed snorkelers harassing a young sea lion in the water by repeatedly getting way too close to it for about 15 mins. The sea lion would nervously swim away only for the swimmers to rush it again and again, i kept expecting the poor animal to flip out and attack them but by the time i left nothing bad had happened.


But that is clearly the La Jolla Cove Beach–I live in the SD Metro Area. The kiddie pool beach is a few hundred meters down the coast from the cove.


Good point. I stand corrected. Although the sea lion conflict has extended all along the La Jolla coastline to include not just CBP but Cove as well. Some blame Sea World for introducing rehabilitated sea lions to the area:

Almost half of the access advocates interviewed also subscribed to the theory that this population of harbor seals was artificially created when rehabilitated seals were released by SeaWorld in the area of CPB. One La Jolla resident explained the ideas that have supported this theory of SeaWorld’s role in the creation of the colony at CPB:
“The truth is that SeaWorld and some mayor here in the early 90s got the bright idea. SeaWorld rescued wounded or sick harbor seals, and so the mayor got the bright idea that they should be, when they’re healthy, returned to the sea right off the Children’s Pool. It’s a completely artificial habitat”


Wow that guy that jumped in after her was fast thinking.


Sealions gotta sealion.


From the articles you posted, it sounds like there are plenty of people on both sides that aren’t fun at parties :wink:

In general I tend to be on the side of leave wildlife alone, or observe safely.

However I do personally think it is reasonable to have some areas where we* deter wildlife to provide a safe area for people (mainly kids, not because they cant learn, but their adults aren’t trustworthy).

That is of course assuming the wildlife is deterable… Pinnipeds aren’t really know for being easy to deter. And we can only do so much if a stubborn sea lion decides to come visit.

I my ideal system, if theres a sea lion on the good part of the beach, despite deterrents, just give it space. Show your kids (from a distance) how amazing wild animals are. Then go to a pool.

Actually similar rules apply to the other type of sea lion we see here. If there is a sea lion in a good topic. Flag it, and admire how amazingly annoying they are. Then move on without engaging.

'* by we I mean we leave deterence to professionals. Individuals should not harass protected animals.


Sure, but the Hominidae have only been living on that coast a few thousand years at most. The Otariidae have a point.


And they’ve backed up their actions with bacteriological weapons.