Woman arrested on drug charges

For it to be true science I would have to be recording the results. My non-documented and entirely subjective experience of inebriants and video games is this:

Alcohol alone: The worst of the lot. You’re going to be terrible.

Alcohol and energy drinks: You will play reasonably for a 3-4 hours of drinking, until the drunkenness outweighs the buzz. Then you’re going to suck or have to imbibe more caffeine.

Stoned: within margin of error of baseline sober

Sober: I get angry when I’m put on a team of noobs whose negative-ratio asses I have to drag to the win.

Amphetamines: These work well. There’s a reason uppers are given to fighter pilots.

PS: if any researcher needs a test subject to consume drugs and play video games… You’ve found your guy.


And I’d like you to avoid driving on public roads while using recreational drugs (including alcohol) which impair your ability to operate a fucking dangerous machine.

I’ve yet to see anything from Steve Fox, MPP, NORML or affiliated organizations suggesting that people should be allowed to drive while impaired by marijuana. I’m not suggesting that you deserve the electric chair for driving with detectable levels of THC in your bloodstream, but if you’re still in a state that can be described as “stoned” then you don’t belong behind the wheel of an automobile.


“Please stop twisting our message to imply we think it should be legal to drive while stoned.”
—Marijuana Legalization Activists

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You are free to have a whinge about it, but when even the police are unable to identify that I’m stoned or that I’ve disposed of a joint I’m smoking moments before they breath test me for alcohol roadside, I call bullshit on all of this. Don’t dare expect me to accept to be treated more harshly under the law than another drug that is more dangerous by all measures I’ve seen. I’ll laugh in your face and continue to flaunt the law because it’s fucking nonsense.

I’m not suggesting that you deserve the electric chair for driving with detectable levels of THC in your bloodstream

What punishment are you suggesting for that?

if you’re still in a state that can be described as “stoned” then you don’t belong behind the wheel of an automobile.

Cool story bro. When you start applying rules based on the relative risks of the activity I’ll start caring. Demand the same of alcohol or expect me not to care.

I said it at the start: fuck your social norms. Keep on trying to guilt-trip me into compliance. It’s totally going to work.

“-Marijuana Legalization Activists”

^you speak for them all now? I’m not twisting shit. When you’ve read the book we can have this conversation. You clearly haven’t because you’re claiming the book is not saying exactly what it’s saying. Nice try though.

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I do demand the same for alcohol. If you’re still feeling the effects of whatever recreational drug you’ve been using then you don’t belong behind the wheel. When someone says they’re driving “stoned” I think it’s a pretty reasonable conclusion that they fit in that category.

“A better idea than driving while drunk” does not equate “a good idea.”

Yes, that is indeed how you set the tone of this discussion. Now I’ll bow back out of it.


I do demand the same for alcohol.

But you accept by virtue of your past silence on the matter that it’s acceptable to drink moderately and go driving? That’s what the law says, and don’t tell me that you don’t feel the effects of a shot of vodka. It may be a semantics problem, but “stoned” does not translate to “drunk”. “Stoned” can be anything from one toke to you’re watching cricket on TV wondering why and how long you’ve been sitting there.

“A better idea than driving while drunk” does not equate “a good idea.”

Another cool story bro. I didn’t say that anywhere. You need to dress these straw men a bit better and I might not notice. You are using the word drunk to suggest the level to which I’m stoned. Drunk is a judgement that says “too much”.

Yes, that is indeed how you set the tone of this discussion. Now I’ll bow back out of it.

I saw your edit. How many people have I convinced? I’m not here to convince I’m here to tell you:

Since so many in this thread saw fit to chime in and revel in the fact that America’s shitty, inconsistent drug laws are going to fuck this poor woman over because her car smelled like weed (who is to say someone else didn’t smoke it), I see fit to rub it in the face of you and all these people that I and hundreds of others you’ll drive by on your way home are blazed.

I think that’s why it was deemed newsworthy in the original article, and I think Mark is commenting on that. Wryly.

That’s a pretty generous interpretation. I sure felt like I was being invited to participate in the digital equivalent of a freak show point-and-laugh.

Perhaps. I think that would be an uncharacteristic angle for BB, but it is an enigmatic post at the very least.

Now everyone’s going to want automatic high beams and an espresso with steamer prettily installed on their face. And 9 kinds of tolerance. I remember before we had much of a catalog of awesome, nevermind running the whole thing down for compliance; I hope they slap her with some jeggings with pockets and a bright stylish shawl.

Per unit? Probably not. There are maybe a billion cars on the roads, maybe a thousand active fighter jets, which, unlike the cars, are often being flown specifically in order to kill people. (Numbers courtesy of my wild guess.)

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