Woman at Johnson County, Kansas commissioners meeting says anyone who votes "yes" on mask mandates will be "tried for crimes against humanity"

“Initially, we thought we were going to have a [normal start],”

Where the fuck did they come up with that idea?? A deadly pandemic running rampant, hospitals overrun and sticking patients in parking garages, new disease variants so infectious that even the vaccinated can catch it and spread it, most of the population too god damn stupid to even get a vaccination, and so uncaring about their fellow humans that they scream bloody murder and actually commit murder at the mere suggestion of wearing a mask, not to mention the majority of students in the actual school too young to get the vaccination in the first place, all crowded together in a small poorly ventilated rooms for most of the day…

What the fuck did they think was going to happen? Did these school officials never attend school?


Shocking, just…

Absolutely fucking predictable and predicted. There will be many more to come.

But it’s OK, very few kids will die. And it’s a risk Q is willing to take!


With the CARES act expiring, and a lot of people clamoring to get things “back to normal”, this winter is going to be anything but normal. It’s going to be a shitshow.


Preaching to the choir, friend. We have been running short-staffed for months, a lot of our nurses are looking for less stupid jobs, which I do not blame them for at all. We are looking at the collapse of our healthcare system, not so much due to huge patient load, but due to healthcare workers just coming to the end. We have been running on adrenaline and caffeine for almost 18 months without a break, and no end in sight. When kids become the prime victims, it gets much wose.


Trump didn’t always just blurt out semi-connected phrases. He used to speak in clear sentences. His word-salad speeches probably reflect confused thinking, or perhaps laziness on his part. I’m not going to speculate on why that appears to be the case. In the case of this woman, I think it’s a reflection of her just trying to get in as many talking points as possible before her time is up, rather than attempt to actually persuade anyone of anything. She could probably watch this video and congratulate herself.


But as ridiculous as that kook sounds, as ridiculous as her arguments were:

The County Board effectively listened to her: they [partially] rejected the mask mandate.

I was looking at them rejecting an amendment to mask up people grades 6-12 (around 4:05:30):

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A friend who is an ICU nurse described a seven-year-old dying of COVID-19 a few weeks ago. She said it was the worst death she’d ever seen. The child was ventilated for a week and his limbs had become necrotic. Gasping and gurgling to the end.


What’s your source?

In that case, bring that god of yours to the next meeting. We have questions for it.
In the meantime, you will comply to the laws of the land, since this is not a theocracy.

And if they vote no, they will suffer the same fate, according to your ‘logic’.
But please tell us, just who is going to prosecute these crimes?

Nowhere, apparently, since you said they ‘don’t disappear’. Unless they walk into another room, or something & you can’t see them.

You obviously don’t watch the MSM, so how would you know?

Well, the media you choose to injest certainly is… and it’s a raging infection you have, too.

Yep, the ones you listen to cesrtainly are!


Wouldn’t he be proto-Orthodox (he was from the Eastern Roman Empire), or just part of the Great Church? Catholicism didn’t exist when he was alive, none of the schisms that led to the modern Christian groups had happened at that point. Saint Nick was part of the Council of Nicaea that kicked the Arians out and came up with the Nicine Creed.

Or were all Christians before the Reformation condemned to Hell?


Oh, man, this is a can of worms (or was that a diet of Worms?) you probably do not want to open. Wars have been fought over it!


It would not shock me very much to learn this woman hadn’t yet developed object permanence.
The board members should’ve played some peekaboo to distract her.


But you see, most American evangelicals are Arians, even if they don’t realise it.

In the latest State of Theology survey 56% of American evangelicals agreed strongly or somewhat with the statement “Jesus is the first and greatest being created by God”, an Arian belief denying the co-eternity of Jesus with God the Father if ever I’ve seen one!


People fighting masks now are same that fought lock-downs earlier. They spread COVID then, and they’ll spread COVID now.



Man, these people are obsessed with Newsom these days.

First he went dinner without a mask, now he wants teachers to have sex with their students. Where will it end??


Dammit, I used to know what that meant! Now I gotta look it up… [grumble}… me, either!

Now, that would just be cruel.
But amusing.

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Oddly, it sounded like the guy said Newsom wouldn’t want that “because it’s bad.” :woman_shrugging:t2:

Can you just picture her stopping mid-spiel being like, “wait, where’d they go…?”

Edited for typo


It is a cry for children protective services to visit her.