Woman judge discovers that female arrestees are frequently denied pants, feminine hygiene products

Thank you for correcting me. I hear so much awfulness about private prisons that I figured this was the result of someone skimming money.


Washington Post article today about this incident. The bit at the end with the photos muddies things a bit, not sure what’s going on there.

the 1st one. but, i realize we dont live in a perfect world. Its fucked up. The world, that is.


Ok, you know how when the video ends youtube puts up a grid of other fun videos to watch? like neat airplanes and how to install drywall or a cute fuzzy kitten beating some kid at scrabble? Yeah. Well this judge vs pantless video ended in a grid with these must see videos: oil worker assassinated on bus; patient set on fire in hospital; bull goring man; dirty bike gangs of New York… etc. WTF youtube!? I watch all kinds of videos but this really stands out as sinister.

Again, the adjective “woman” at the beginning of the headline is a)not necessary, and b)perpetuates the outdated notion that judgeships are naturally for men and “women judges” are the abnormal, the aberration.

Don’t do this. Don’t be part of the problem.


Have a ten-pack of likes, you and @Snowlark both. :thumbsup: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


So, such a terrible state of jails these days but…

is that a yoga/fitness ball behind the judge from 1:05 until around 4:27??

How did it get there? And where did it go?


This is one of those few disappointing times where I as a Washingtonian can’t say:

at least we’re better than Idaho…

You know what will really blow your mind? Tourniquets are also taxed, and at the same rate as tampons.

Do you use a tourniquet on yourself every month?


There’s “reasonable” and then there’s “Holy fuck, we were being incredibly, and obviously unreasonable, why hasn’t this been addressed before.” In a lot of the same stories about this repeal in NY was the information that Bill DeBlasio is being hailed as a hero for making tampons free in jails, school, etc…. Not to undercut this awesome move, but damn, how fucked up are we if providing for basic fucking human needs makes you a “hero”…


How did America come to see police as a tool of pretrial punishment?

Has it always been this way?

(leaving aside the awful debtor’s prison systems many forces have developed along with their local legislatures)


We all benefit from sales taxes. I don’t see why anything at all would be exempt.

They aren’t “normal” sales taxes. They are taxed as if they were a non-essential item instead of either medical or otherwise essential to purchase.


Knowing the poster, I’m sure there was an implied sarcasm tag.


I agree, but there are two options for essential items to make them affordable to the poor.

  1. don’t tax them.
  2. subsidise them.

Option 2 will be under constant attack from conservatives and will cost more money which would be better used elsewhere, so I prefer option 1.


The poor will be penalized disproportionately if we eliminate a category of sales tax. They consume public resources funded by sales taxes at a higher rate than the wealthy. By eliminating a revenue channel, we’re defunding those public resources. If you eliminate a category of sales tax, that means the poor won’t pay it, but neither will the middle class or the wealthy.

I think this is a situation where we will just have to fight the hard fight instead of the easy one.

Sorry to jump in, and certainly not on any one side as it’s still percolating in my brain at much too early an hour - but the poor pay a disproportionately high amount of their available monies as sales tax vs the wealthy. How bout a waver on sales tax once you’re below a certain threshold?

BTW, I just watched this encounter with the judge (it landed on CNN which I was trying to use to wake up) & the way they cut it together make it look like the judge let her go RoR by way of “that was shitty of them” - & a rep for the jail said since it was in the first 72hrs of “intake” they never issue jumpsuits- to which I call BS, I’ve had a jumpsuit and I was only in holding for about eight hours- & what if you picked someone up nekked?? Pure BS from the jail.


I would definitely prefer that the economically disadvantaged not pay (or not pay as much) for some of the basic human needs that the rest of us pay for. My wife and I just had a yelling argument about this. She says my idea will become a regressive tax, but I’m saying you can’t pay tax on a dollar you don’t have to spend. I will gladly pay $0.28 in sales tax for my dozen eggs, if it means someone who can’t afford protein gets their eggs for free.