Woman questioned by police for wearing shirt with Arabic writing near 9/11 memorial

The shirt is here : http://shop.wewillnotbesilent.net/collections/arabic-language-collection in the We will not be silent collection…

Curia law?


Many schools will happily pressure students into answering, or will themselves conduct what would otherwise be illegal searches and seizures, and will suspend or otherwise punish students on little to no evidence.

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T-Shirt totally available here: http://shop.wewillnotbesilent.net/collections/we-will-not-be-silent/products/we-will-not-be-silent-arabic




Sieg Heil.

I wasn’t aiming anything at you, just trying to warn Shirley of how the memes play out here. My apologies if it seemed like I was criticizing you, I didn’t mean to imply that.

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