Workers rights and unions

you’ve heard of “quiet quitting,” now I’d like to introduce you to the next level, The French Work Ethic:

  • Do exactly what you’re paid for and nothing more
  • Absolutely refuse to be available to contact when you’re off the clock
  • Never prioritize work over your own health, wellbeing, or family because that would be insane, it’s just a job.
  • Have a little glass of wine
  • Take as long as you feel like for lunch
  • Deeply understand that work doesn’t matter
  • Make sure your boss knows they’re always your second priority :heart:


  • If a company refuses to give you what you deserve, kidnap (bossnap) the ceo
  • If the government tries to fuck workers over, go on strike, but because you’re doing it the French way, it’s closer to a riot
  • Generally know that workers have a lot of power, especially if they stand together


#that first link reminded me that i once had an english oral exam (with a british teacher) that revolved around #reading a recent guardian article about bossnappings in france and debating whether or not #french workers kidnapping their employers was acceptable #and teen-me was like well our national opinion polls are in favour ! #:joy: thanks for reminding me of this great moment

Edited to fix a buncha stuff :slight_smile: