Odd Stuff (Part 5)


I was reading in bed last night when I started hearing a weird noise from outside, like… faint screaming. At first I thought I was imagining it but the harder I listened, the more clearly I could hear it, and eventually I got up and opened the window. Immediately it was like okay, I am now certain that some high-pitched screaming is going on in the woods behind my house. So I put on my coat over my pyjamas and went out (it’s been a while since the last time I had to go and investigate weird screams in the night!)

The woods were very silent last night and as a result the noise seemed to be echoing and coming from everywhere, so I walked around for a while before deciding that this strange continuous wailing appeared to be coming from the spring. As I got closer to it, it started sounding less like a banshee who got her leg caught in a bear trap and more like a natural noise (inexplicably angry wind?) I knelt down near the little fae-sized brick house where the water emerging from the spring gathers and lit up the inside with my torch half-expecting to find some X-Files creature curled up in there (at 3am and after enough meandering in the woods by torchlight your brain is mass-producing such images) and I found one leaf.

There was 1 average-sized leaf stuck in the opening of the pipe and constantly vibrating from the air and the water getting sucked in and, amplified by the brick box around it, it suddenly turned my spring into a very loud, very creepy musical instrument. I recorded it for a few seconds before removing the leaf and the screaming stopped immediately. Here it is if you want a taste (but you’ve got to picture yourself roaming the woods in the dark and hearing this noise from far away without the reassuring water noises & explanation)

Yeah, “cottagecore” this, MFers!
#bizarre #love #quality #Rural Life

This woman’s tumblr is incredible! and this is not the first time I’ve en-BoingBoing’d her stuff:

This one’s quite long, but so beautiful, with beautiful photos: