Odd Stuff (Part 5)

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mum and i have already secured our own interment (of our individual ashes) there, after each of us dies.
cool thing is, people can dive there, perhaps to visit friends and relatives. although, there is nothing really identifying anyone down there.
the gates and the lions are cool!


I’m thinking of what to do right now. I’m pretty sure I’ll go the cremation route. But what comes after - still thinking about it.

But I want to set it all up ahead of time. My parents did that & it was very appreciated.



Collection of me turning into random objects

I love this because its not like cgi effects
 its practical cuts and filming the right movements and lining it all up
 but it looks like live action animation sequences.

Just look at him!



I was reading in bed last night when I started hearing a weird noise from outside, like
 faint screaming. At first I thought I was imagining it but the harder I listened, the more clearly I could hear it, and eventually I got up and opened the window. Immediately it was like okay, I am now certain that some high-pitched screaming is going on in the woods behind my house. So I put on my coat over my pyjamas and went out (it’s been a while since the last time I had to go and investigate weird screams in the night!)

The woods were very silent last night and as a result the noise seemed to be echoing and coming from everywhere, so I walked around for a while before deciding that this strange continuous wailing appeared to be coming from the spring. As I got closer to it, it started sounding less like a banshee who got her leg caught in a bear trap and more like a natural noise (inexplicably angry wind?) I knelt down near the little fae-sized brick house where the water emerging from the spring gathers and lit up the inside with my torch half-expecting to find some X-Files creature curled up in there (at 3am and after enough meandering in the woods by torchlight your brain is mass-producing such images) and I found one leaf.

There was 1 average-sized leaf stuck in the opening of the pipe and constantly vibrating from the air and the water getting sucked in and, amplified by the brick box around it, it suddenly turned my spring into a very loud, very creepy musical instrument. I recorded it for a few seconds before removing the leaf and the screaming stopped immediately. Here it is if you want a taste (but you’ve got to picture yourself roaming the woods in the dark and hearing this noise from far away without the reassuring water noises & explanation)

Yeah, “cottagecore” this, MFers!
#bizarre #love #quality #Rural Life

This woman’s tumblr is incredible! and this is not the first time I’ve en-BoingBoing’d her stuff:

This one’s quite long, but so beautiful, with beautiful photos:



That’s absolutely wild!

My wife and I were outside one evening a few weeks ago in the mountains when we heard something shrieking in the darkness. It was outside the range of our lights and, more concerning, it was moving around. There were only, like, five other people in the general area that we were (one was sleeping in the house). It was pretty freaky.

Turns out it was a great horned owl doing it’s “there’s something attacking my nest” scream. We think we spooked when we came out and started talking.


Wow! Owls are so cool!

So are leaves, but not when they invoke Folk Horror vibes at 3AM in the woods by flashlight tophat-eek

I heard a weird noise repeating a few weeks ago, got up to go out and check it out. I pointed it out to my BF as he came into the living room. We went out onto the front porch, and soon realized it was an owl tophat-biggrin - I’d only heard one here once before.

I’ve only seen one once. I was awakened V early by angrily yelling crows, stuck my glasses on my face, and hurried to a window. A biiig owl was directly across the street (and my attic room) in a huge old tree. Three crows were perched around the owl, flapping and shouting corvine obscenities, while questioning the owl’s parentage alla way back to prehistory.

The owl finally tired of this abuse, and shoved off to the southeast with big, slow flaps. The crows followed, maintaining their stream of harsh invective.

It amused me to experience this so near the center of Detroit.


All the world’s a cruise ship


In spaaaaace!
Now, if we could stop the assholes who keep messing with the life support systems


The move is almost certainly the final nail in the coffin for the embattled company known for its mail-order DNA-testing kit. Since going public via merger with a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) in 2021, 23andMe has never turned a profit. Its price on IPO day was $10; so far in 2024, it has yet to reach a $1 valuation. Following the resignation of all its independent directors Tuesday, the stock fell to its rock bottom: $0.30. (As of midday Wednesday, it’s back to $0.36.)


Suzanne Vega got them a soundtrack for the summit!




Area 51 Aliens GIF by Sky HISTORY UK