🌈 Unicorn Chasers 3 🌈

hedgehog-moss reblogged

Poldine ♪

Poldine :musical_note:

Poldine, Poldiiine :notes:

I’m begging of you please don’t take my cat ♪

Please don’t take her just because you can ♫

She talks about you in her sleep—

There’s nothing I can do to keep ♪
From crying when she calls, Poldine,

And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my cat

You could have your choice of cats :notes:

Poldine, Poldine ♫
Poldine, Poldiiine
I’m begging of you please don’t take my cat

Thank you for watching Poldine & The Cats’ first music video! No cats were harmed in the making of this clip, but two were mortified and one had her fur ruffled in the wrong direction by clumsy baby llama kisses.

#for the anon who asked for pics of pampoldine kissing cats after reading my last post :slight_smile: