Originally published at: World Health Organization has found aspartame a carcinogen after all, sources claim | Boing Boing
The sources, not linked in the Reuters article, is an article in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B
I thought that happened, like, a decade ago?
As a matter of fact, I am a mouse.
That paper is about sucralose, aka Splenda, not aspartame, aka Nutrisweet.
Carcinogen or not a carcinogen, that shit is evil.
Probably, but I’ve already had to give up alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. You gotta leave me something.
Yeah, I avoid sweeteners because of taste
Give THC or CBD a chance?
Okay, fine. But for me, blech.
The IARC has four levels of categorization of possible carcinogens. Roughly speaking, they are carcinogenic, probably carcinogenic, possibly carcinogenic, and not classified.
The “possibly carcinogenic” category includes things like the electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and coffee. It has a lot of stuff in it that we generally wouldn’t consider cancer-causing, but there’s just enough evidence to say it’s possible, not probable, not definite, but maybe possible.
This is the category that they are talking about putting aspartame in. After decades of study, the WHO, when evaluating the evidence, has said “We don’t know if its a carcinogen, or even likely to be one, but there is some evidence that it could be.”
There is, however, a large tendency for news reporting and other headline writers to take such a classification and write headlines like “WHO has found aspartame to be a carcinogen after all, sources claim” without giving context that says “possibly a carcinogen, but not probably”.
I tried marijuana once. I had a very atypical reaction to it. It made me super, super anxious and paranoid. I found out later that a small percentage of people react this way to THC. I have no desire to repeat the experience. It was beyond unpleasant. As for CBD, from what I understand, it’s a strong anti-inflammatory. I’m not sure how that would benefit me. I do occasionally take ibuprofen, but it seems to do what I need it to do, so I’ll stick with that.
Definitely an atypical reaction, and CBD is an anti-inflamtory, but also quite useful for anxiety and relaxation. It’s not a panacea for anything, but can help with a lot of things, including OI pain.
Have another diet Coke, Donnie!
I’m also alcohol and nicotine free and I’ve joined the cult of carbonated water. My vice is now Mango or Pineapple Bubly. Join us!
Red grapes, peaches and some kind of selzer splash with optional ketones, whee! So as sweeteners, do you chew steel foil or what? (Sounds consistent with the Buble to me.)
The tingle means it’s working!