World's shortest scheduled flight may go electric

It might be quieter, but props generate a fair amount of noise all by themselves.

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There used to be a ferry that ran between Molokai and Lahaina on Maui, but it was discontinued a couple of years ago because it couldn’t make ends meet, even with subsidies. That channel has some of the roughest water in the islands, so for the 90 minutes of the trip, you bounced around pretty strongly. You can get there via puddlejumper air, but you really needed the ferry for any large-ish supply runs. We used to see people hauling over huge wheeled coolers for the monthly Costco run.

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In theory, one advantage is that electric planes take out at least some of the pricing fluctuations that come with operating on fossil fuel, of which planes use a LOT. When setting operating budgets, planning fleet needs and route viability, it’s generally easier to forecast electricity costs than oil. The airlines have enjoyed greater profitability recently due partly to lower than expected oil costs. That’s great, but when the pendulum swings the over way, it can mean bankruptcy.


Fair points in theory, but I’m almost certain no planes are based on these islands - they’re just stops on a service based elsewhere.

Ah, that brings back memories…

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