Writer fabricated stories for Atlas Obscura

I suspect this one is fabricated:


In my work I deal with a lot of people who commit various forms of petty crime. The amount of creativity, work and ingenuity (combined with sheer stupidity and short term thinking) is astounding. I wish they were more capable of actually working.


Construction or Politics? :stuck_out_tongue:


I read the word article in the post as “ficticle” and now I can’t get that word out of my head. It’s perfect.


At its heart, crime is (usually) about low empathy and low impulse control, but not necessarily low intelligence.

Obviously this is setting aside anyone caught up by unjust laws and unfair sentences, or victims of circumstance.


Every last word is in my notes. | The Wire (2002) Drama | Video clips by quotes | 96679767 | 紗 - YARN


Most crime is petty crime. Shoplifting, car break-ins, burglary. Some percentage of that is bored/stupid kids, a much larger percentage is rooted in some combination of addiction, mental health and poverty.

It would be so much cheaper and more humane for our society to just treat addiction and (especially) mental health, and provide basic needs to people dealing with those things. Instead we get gun fetishists and legions of the desperate.



On the contrary, it’s not surprising that no one caught it, because all the attention is on what the majority of the internet is composed of, i.e. stolen, regurgitated and now LLM-generated text - actual original content, reporting and research is relatively rare (and there’s no money for fact-checking or even editing). Tons of other sites no doubt ripped off “the facts” presented in these articles, thus cementing them as “true.”

It’s always easier to make up an interesting, unusual story than to find one (that hasn’t already been reported to death), and it’s much, much easier to make up quotes than to find and contact people, interview them, and get some usable quotes that can be edited into shape, unfortunately.



Beaver Bombing is evidently a thing.

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Better than bat bombs.



No, not that one.

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Yeah, hard disagree. The petty crimes you describe are minor in effect and occurrence, but are amplified by the media and corporations to hide the fact that the more common white collar criminals are stealing from us and taking advantage of us.

Try going into a rural senior citizen’s house. They get about 60+ phone calls a day from criminals trying to take advantage of them. Or look at your hospital bills or watch all the hi-jinks in a real estate transaction. Try and buy a new car without getting scammed. Ever seen Facebook marketplace? How about Temu? The rich have even decimated the IRS to the point that it is too costly in time and money to go after the rich.
Those are the real crimes.


My mommy always said there were no monsters - no real ones - but there are, aren’t there?

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I agree with you in principle. The petty crimes are minor, though they are most often felt in the day to day by people. Perhaps not where you live?

The serious thefts are major, and difficult to prosecute. If I go and steal a bottle of beer I’ll be arrested and convicted pretty quickly. If was to, say, use my political office to enrich myself and my family, I have a much better chance of getting away with it, may never be charged or convicted.

People in my community are vaguely aware of the ‘white collar crime’ they hear about on the news, but directly experienced with their tools being stolen from the garage or the shoplifting at their local store. Not to mention the higher home and vehicle insurance rates that stem directly from increased petty crime.


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