Yet another study suggests prolonged sitting kills

All sounds reasonable and I don’t doubt that it is common. Standing desks are likely the better option, compared to sitting desks. The question is whether it is enough to make a serious difference as far as health is concerned.

This is why I try to lie down as much as possible.


Actually, I do wonder if lying down is as bad as sitting, since I do a lot of it while working (instead of sitting). I suppose so, since it too is sedentary. Sigh.

It’s hard to compare. I find my behavior is much different when I use a standing desk, especially if I’m coding or writing in short bursts. Standing, I move a lot… I sway, I dance, I pivot, instead of sitting there like a lump. That said, if I have to write a lot of something, I prefer to sit down and just grind it out. Even then, though, I use a pomodoro timer and get up and move every half hour.

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