You can call me AI

So basically they taught a computer how to be hyperlexic? I’m saying that as someone who is hyperlexic. By that I mean it’s great at reading and scanning a lot of topics but it often times has issues of picking up on context on those topics. A 3 year old like me a long time ago being able to read the telephone book, yup. 3 year old me understanding what a taxidermist is based on reading that profession’s name is in said telephone book is, nope. I had trouble in school before from being able to read or scan a book but being stunned that I missed obvious things (I thought Matilda imagined that she had powers and not that she actually did which surprised me when i saw the movie in class even though I pretty much aced the questions about it on a quiz. It was quite discouraging lol).

Out of all of the inaccurate stuff that was in the movie Rain Man, the only really accurate thing in the movie was the depiction of hyperlexia. Hoffman’s character being super picky about which airlines to get on because he read something once about airline safety but not picking up on how incredibly safe airplane travel is in general so he fights tooth and nail with Cruise’s character because he thinks certain airlines will kill them as soon as they get on their plane(s).