You can call me AI

A class action lawsuit has been filed against tech giant NVIDIA by YouTuber David Millette, who claims the company unjustly profited from his and other creators’ videos to build its AI systems. The lawsuit alleges NVIDIA violated California’s Unfair Competition Law and enriched itself at creators’ expense by scraping content from YouTube and other platforms without permission.


I mean that is literally exactly how YouTube became dominant in video: mass infringement of rights.

If you imagine that isn’t so just watch the CEO of Google at the time, Schmidt, explaining why AI should be allowed to take all the things.

They got away with it that time and are the richest thieves on the planet. Why should tech stop now?


I didn’t read the article but from Mastodon yesterday the salient point was instead of sharing an instructional video that didn’t exist.

The “founder” knew something was up because they didn’t have any. Or, obviously, actual fucking support.

I know we are supposed to hero worship “founders” but I find that a really shitty fucking service that you “founded” there. Hire some fucking support, make some videos. Ditch the shitty fucking spicy chatbot.

Spend less of your time waiting to get “found” and bought out and actually “run” a company.

When the revolution comes I hope all the “founders” find themselves first up against the fucking wall.


A new client had asked her Lindy AI assistant for a video tutorial that would help her better understand how to use the platform, and the Lindy responded in kind — that’s when Crivello knew something was wrong. There is no video tutorial.


“I don’t even know that the customer saw it,” he said. “We followed up immediately like, ‘Oh hey, this is the right link to the video,’ and the customer didn’t say anything about the first link.”

Say what?


Why does that word make me feel sick?




Do not taunt the Online Services.


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Horrendous, its very difficult to articulate how I feel about that CEO other than we quite clearly have radically thought processes and I’m struggling to find any human commonality between us. Monstrous behaviour.



“Particularly around bigger companies that have complex permissions around their SharePoint or their Office 365 or things like that, where the Copilots are basically aggressively summarizing information that maybe people technically have access to but shouldn’t have access to,” he explained.


“Now, maybe if you set up a totally clean Microsoft environment from day one, that would be alleviated,” he told us. “But nobody has that. People have implemented these systems over time, particularly really big companies. And you get these conflicting authorizations or conflicting access to data.”


Software that’s designed to gobble up every bit of data it comes across gobbles up every bit of data it comes across. Well, I’m shocked.


MS doesn’t realise GDPR principles operate inside companies?

I am totally shocked!

Of course one part of a company doesn’t have access to other parts of the organisations data when it is personal data. You audit that and restrict your data view based on that you need to know to do you work and hide the rest.

Accounts don’t get to look at people’s medical information, a nurse doesn’t need to see finances etc. etc.


We know this, but it’s good to hear Hank’s take on it…

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They want to replace customer-facing employees with pathological liars, and yet they don’t want to accept any responsibility for it. Yes, this will turn out well.


Garbage In, Garbage Out, and LLMs have been fed all the garbage on the Internet.


Said here before but this is not at all new to MS.

After everyone mocked them for the utterly predictable Tay fiasco that they walked into slowly, stupidly, and deliberately they claimed they weee going to become leaders in ethical AI. They hired a team to back that up.

Skip forward a bit and LLMs are taking off and the August of 22 they started laying off that team. Come November they had piloted the Bing/Sydney chatbot online and alreafy knew it was advising people to kill themselves etc.

Right at the beginning of their public facing LLMs from MS have been dangerous and their pursuit of market has trumped everything: truth, profit, climate goals, the law, common fucking sense…


vinyl chloride fire

PSA: Start here:

They should be sued into non-existence for supplying any other answer (or corresponding variant answer for any given country).


No problem.


… they never ask him about the basilisk

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