You can get a 5-tier wedding cake made of cheese at Costco


Nah, I’m good…

So it costs the same as a cake, but you have to assemble it yourself, and decorations (for you to self-apply) and cheese-eating accouterments are extra… what a deal.

I like the idea - it’s far more edible than what a lot of people serve as “wedding cakes,” certainly. But it seems like, as soon as something gets labeled a “wedding cake” the price gets multiplied. So putting together one’s own would probably be better, assuming one has access to a half-decent cheese shop.

If I was getting married, any of these cheeses would be lovely, but you had me at the triple-cream Brillat-Savarin. Just gimme a wedge of that. Better than any cake.

The wedding for my second marriage was super low key. As in we just went to the court house. The day before, we went to a local florist and asked if they could make us a simple bouquet. We asked for a bit of this and a bit of that. Wrap with some twine. Costs was like $15. After we paid and were still chatting with the girl we mentioned it was for our wedding the next day. Her jaw dropped. She said if we had mentioned it was for a wedding then the price would of been much much more but since we didn’t mention it nor get the typical massive order it didn’t occur to her.

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In the dystopian future, flowers will come with DRM that will immediately wilt them and turn them brown if they detect they are in a wedding zone and the price paid was for mere domestic use.


I would not be surprised to hear one the big florists was working on some such variation of this. Or they would work like the recent printer cartridges that stop sending ink if you miss a payment. In this case they would only stay fresh for as many hours as you prepaid upfront. As soon as your time is up or you lose wifi, they all wilt and die instantly (which would be an interesting domino effect…)


I’m really only good with Italian cheeses, so that would be a one-note cake.

However, why couldn’t one have a cheesecake wedding cake? That would be delicious and awesome.

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And when they finally breed miniature florally decorative triffids, when the DRM expires or is contravened you either get stung (literally) or the flowers just up stumps and walk back to base.


I would actually pay to see that.

Mirrors a similar thought I had about the bike rentals in Seattle. Seattle is hilly so over the course of the day they end up downhill. Every morning people go out and get the bikes and haul them back up the hill. I’d love to see all the bikes wake up at 3-4 am and self drive to their start positions.

… yes I agree in a practical sense it would likely make the bike rental situations even more of a nightmare. I just like the cinematic possibilities of autonomous packs of bikes ghosting through the early morning mist.


…forming packs, hunting joggers…


Not the future we asked for… but the one we deserve.


There is nothing fancy about any of this fromage. Danish Blue and Red Leicester are about as industriel as it gets. There is no such thing as Brillat-Savarin Brie. Brillât-Savarin is one cheese and Brie is another. They aren’t even similar apart from the whole “May contain lactose” thing. It’s a pile of hardened milk.

Still nicer than 98% of wedding bricks, sorry, cakes, I guess.

This is America…


That’s funny, I’ve eaten it in restaurants and bought it from cheese shops. Sure you’re not just… wrong? Yeah, you’re wrong.

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Brillât-Savarin does indeed exist and is delicious. It’s just not “a Brie”. Brie is from Brie. Brillât-Savarin is not. They are also completely different in texture and taste.

No thanks.

As wedding cakes go, I’d think that one built of triple brie (adorned with various berries) would actually work.

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