You can make almost anything with a Glowforge

Our front door is about 400 feet from our mailbox.

UPS/DHL/FedEx drive to my front door, bring the package to my doorstep, and ring the bell. Every time.

USPS leaves a little yellow notice in my mailbox, requiring a twenty six mile round trip for pickup. Every time.

i have a sign on my letter box that says “dear postperson can you leave any packages behind the garbage please?”
95 % percent of the time it gets left behind the bucket no problem
i get how frustrating that must be but i would rather drive that far then pay all the fees etc these jerkwads charge plus when i had any issues they got fixed as opposed to DHL where it took being on the phone with them for over 4 hours to get a refund they had said they would give on a redundant fee.

OK, I’ll try your plan.

“Dear mailperson, please drive 400 feet to townhouse D-4, go around the side and leave the package behind the outdoor storage bin.”

We’ll see how it works out.

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