"You Have To Live Your Life" debunks popular myths and misperceptions about COVID-19

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/25/you-have-to-live-your-life-debunks-popular-myths-and-misperceptions-about-covid-19.html


Contributed by Jennifer Sandlin… Good info!

Also, I’m on this mailing list and she talks about covid quite a bit…


it’s an interesting resource for when you’re arguing with covid deniers, but it seems to shy away from one of the most obvious topics - vaccines. that’s a shame because that is one of the most fertile areas of covid misinformation


Careful! According to RFKjr, identifying misinformation is a crime!!

In all seriousness, I am so glad for the nature of this site. I was gearing up to debunk the claims one by one, and am very glad to not have to. Agree about vaccines, though. Although what is here is truly yeoman’s work. Probably need another whole site to debunk the vaccine BS.


ah yes thanks for sharing this! i love OK Doomer :slight_smile:


“* We need to get exposed so we build immunity“

That’s why I got my COVID booster yesterday.


“What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”

Every single word of that sentence is wrong, and it’s doubly true when it comes to COVID. Getting COVID permanently damages your organs to some degree. Getting COVID provides no protection against future COVID variants – it’s not at all like a vaccine, because vaccines are designed to be as generic as possible, and help defend against multiple variants of the virus (vaccines also don’t have the side effect of damaging your organs.) Getting COVID is similar to a heart attack: you can’t really see it from outside, but inside bits of your body are dying from it. And every time you get another COVID infection, it adds on to the existing damage.

In general, it’s terrible advice for anyone, for any medical condition. But for COVID, it’s extra stupid.




That graph is deaths, though, so—?

I mean, I think that not as many people are actually dying of it now? The main concern seems to have moved to the detrimental effects of getting repeated infections and long covid, it seems. But in the absence of widespread testing/reporting of infections, we don’t have as much info to go on now.

(Just a thought.)


I alway preferred the aeon flux version

I do not think you can draw that conclusion. Given the marked decrease in testing, we can’t really be certain. The excess death statistic is still elevated, and I suspect that covid accounts for at least some of that.