You probably need more Tasmanian imps in your life

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Flanders: Ooh look! Heā€™s trying to claw my eyes out!

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I always wanted a Tasmanian Devil as a pet, until I started living with a Blue Heeler. That video just reminded me of what i get to come home to tonight.

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Rodents of Unusual Size? I donā€™t think they exist.

Arenā€™t they the a vulture of the mammal world?

Daww, gotta love the little curmudgeons.

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Donā€™t let people fool you, theyā€™re not dogs. They are half HyenaBear, half ChimpanzeeOtter. But they do make one hell of a companion.

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Iā€™m not sure where you got ā€œimpsā€ from. I always understood the name for non-mature Tassie Devils to be ā€˜pupsā€™.

Yeah, very cute. Devlets?
All fun until you lose a finger to one.

They are carnivorous marsupials, so I think of them as ā€œRatFacedMurderKoalas.ā€


Tasmanian Devils or Queensland Blue Heelers? I canā€™t make the distinction anymore.

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Imps, pups or, like all marsupial babies, joeys, are all used to refer to baby Tassie devils.

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