Young girl plays incredible organ arrangement of Star Wars Theme

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Impressive. You can clearly see and hear at points that some of the sounds are part of a track. It would be interesting to know just how much isn’t live.

I find the parts where the hands and pedal parts are all completely different to be the most impressive. Much like a drummer who can handle multiple independent limb movement this is an amazing skill.

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Damn! I’m impressed.

As good as she is, it is still a bit disapointing that a $17,000 electronic organ still sounds so synthy at times.


It sounds like a YouTube recording being played back on an old pair of cheap desktop computer speakers to me.


I don’t know exactly how that organ works, but it appears to me that she’s listening to a click track in the earbud, and the organ is programmed with a sequence that changes the presets (the combinations of sounds produced by each manual, and indicated on those lights between the manuals) at very specific times. This allows it to change from a string voice to a pew-pew voice instantaneously. And it changes the presets many, many times, sometimes more than once a second.

So yeah, she’s playing all the notes, but she’s getting a lot of help from the machinery.


Maybe not all the notes. Even fairly cheap keyboards these days can multitrack. I wouldn’t count that as cheating.

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I did notice that the stop changes seem to be pre-programed, but I wouldn’t call that “a lot” of help compared to playing two separate keyboards, a footboard and a pedal all at the same time.

The sequencer makes it so she doesn’t have to slide the stops in and out twice a second with her third and fourth hands. It basically makes this performance possible.


Somewhere in the middle there’s an organ segment that makes me think she’d lose her shit over Final Fantasy VI.


Great. Now I have the image in my head, of an octopus drummer.

Random thought. Some brain-computer interface that could control additional limbs, or, even better, directly control the instruments? Maybe EEG sensing, maybe connection to motoric neurons?

We got way too few hands. Two is NOT enough.

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It makes the exact performance possible, but organists have been using manual stops for a long time. I have no doubt she could perform an amazing performance were she to only have them available. I’m not disputing that the technology gives her an edge, but your post seems way too dismissive of “playing all of the notes” given the number of inputs she’s using.

Is that all?


The straps are doing all of the work :wink:

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So we can look forward to your sequencer-free replication of this same feat? Because I’ve been playing piano for 20 years and synths for 10 and I couldn’t duplicate this “young girl’s” performance even though I could program the accompaniment given enough time. She’s an exceptional keyboardist for any age, let alone her apparent youth.

Hey, I never said that I could play the organ anywhere near that well. But I could design an organ and a sequencer that could play the song for me.

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Fair enough. And yes, it makes it possible. I don’t think anyone could replace a full orchestra with just two arms and two legs, no matter how many stops they pulled out.

Without a neuroprosthetic-grade hack, it’d be pretty difficult.

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