Your favourite scary movie scene

For my nostalgia:

This one isn’t all that scary now, by comparison, but the first time I saw Carrie when I was about 10 years old, after a long night of trick or treating aloneI jumped.


A band my BF was in always attended the Detroit Music Awards, and they’d figure out a group costume. One year, one of them found cheap-ass amazOMG-sold “motorcycle” helmets* just like the ones worn in Psycho-Mania, so they went as Psycho-Maniacs. Another year, they all went dressed as prom dress-wearing, blood-covered Carries!

*They looked so cool, but were so feeble, I wouldn’t’ve worn one to climb a two-foot high stepladder surrounded by mattresses.


I dress up every year; Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.

Last year, I was Maman Brigitte:

This year, I’m doing a blue version of I Dream of Genie.



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