Your perception of reality may really be a hallucination

Arguably(like much of science) “Obvious: details brutally nontrivial.”


I wonder if any of the people involved in coming up with these theories have ever ridden a motorcycle, very fast.


“Error connection” certainly sounds like how my brain works.


You’re hallucinating that high-speed wobble - nothing to worry about…


I think he meant error correction, and that seems to be what the authors argue, but that just my perception.


There is no girl. There is no cigarette.


No, not by definition.

hallucination (n) An experience involving the apparent perception of something not present. (OED)

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The presumption of an actual “you” hallucinating is already a leap.


What is this… “reality” you speak of?


Remember! Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.


yeah, it’s major overeach to declare “all our perceptions are a hallucncation” on the basis of this claims. just because we fill in bits of information, it doesn’t follow it’s all a hallucination and that there is is no external world independent of our experience of it.



And nowhere did TFA (or @fuzzyfungus) claim so.

And aren’t you inhabiting a hallucination where one of them did claim such a thing?

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That’s why you only only perceive reality accurately when you’re recreationally hallucinating. You’re physically internalizing the external hallucination that is reality. The real hallucination, as it were.


well, the BB introductory paragraph makes this claim…“and other big thinkers explore the theory that we’re always hallucinating.” that strongly suggests that the claim being made is that all experience is hallucinatory.

many people who make claims that all experience is hallucinatory also erroneously hold that this entails there is no external world. i’m just cutting that one off at the pass for anyone considering taking that road.

i’m a little touchy on this shit – i’ve had over a decade of students spouting shitty "the matrix"rubbish. read the putnam and kripke articles assigned for the week! god i hate that film so much. it’s intellectually fucked!


Reality is hard. Perception is hard.

I discovered in high school and college that when doing perceptual (as opposed to conceptual) drawing it required focused attention - really looking, actually seeing, in order to produce an accurate likeness of a thing or person.

Likewise when learning a new language many first time students insist on pronouncing words their own way, rather than actually listening to and mimicking a recording or live teacher with native fluency.

I’ve read about this fill in the blanks kind of predictive processing before and don’t have any problem with the concept.

The only time I was ever aware that I was hallucinating was when I was in the hospital on some kind of medication, and no one else could see the sparkling colored lights floating around the room. Good times.


No, but I hallucinated playing an MMO last night… Or maybe I’m just your hallucination. Dun dun dun.


Follow the link to the Philosophy and Predictive Processing site at your own risk. It may well be the worst designed website ever.

This isn’t to say that their content is bad, but whenever I see a psychology/philosophy collaboration, my impulse is to scream and run. It often seems to involve philosophers making statements about the nature of the mind or consciousness that are based on precarious interpretations of the data, and… well actually psychologists doing the same thing, really. It’s just the philosophers usually seem to be working off a poor understanding of the data, and the psychologists are working off a poor understanding of philosophy.

That being said, I might be unfair to the philosophers here. I read enough psych papers that I run across psychologists being bad at philosophy not infrequently. I don’t read much philosophy, so if I see a philosopher understanding science badly, it’s usually whatever maiming of quantum physics got popular on the internet.

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Does anyone have a source for this atomic explosion gif? Like who made it or where it’s from?

Researching collage directors and this is perfect! :grimacing:


extreme navel gazing.