YouTube shooter was vegan fitness YouTuber angry company had demonetized her videos

I guess if even vegan fitness types find it increasingly easy to grab a gun and use it to make a statement, then the gun addiction in the USA has gotten out of hand.

Second Amendment nuts are callous assholes.


I am going to admit…a quick reading of headlines and a few sentences and seeing her picture, my mind instantly wandered to “Was this some sort of performance art/stunt gone awry?”

I didn’t think mental health. I didn’t think terrorism. I didn’t think vendetta or grudge.

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Not remotely. Gun owners have an amendment protecting them. The mentally ill have overworked social workers at the best of times.

Solid attempt at trolling though. Keep it up and you might get it right someday.


correct prophet for their time

So Islam?

Because their are Islamic schools of thought that claim that Buddha and Zarathustra were messengers whose message was distorted by time.

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insofar as it’s something actual about other people that you are personalizing and making to be about you alone so you can dismiss it as not a problem because of how insulted you are that someone has said such a thing about you, yes, exactly like those.

Tell us more about downrange fire control, and the importance of taking a breath before you shoot?


When gun owners start acting like responsible adults, I stop slandering them.


Where? Why are you sure of this? What basis do you have for this belief?

American Permanent Residents are penalized for owning guns if they chose to pursue naturalization, but it does not lead to immediate reaction. The Bill of Rights is applied to everyone with in the USA, which includes the 2nd Amendment.

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Except Islam says it stops at Mohamed,(and that other religions are infidels) and Baha’i says it keeps on coming, . So they’re persecuted by Islam.


Is there any solid information on the opinions of gun owners? My general impression is that most gun owners support better gun control.


I wonder if people who have been demonitized could form an organization to help each other get re-monetized.

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Well, there’s the largest (and of any prominence, only) national organization with which gun owners affiliate. I wonder what that organization, and it’s board of directors, have to say? As a skilled listener, you’ve heard those. Correct?

[Citation Please]

(I do believe that is your impression, I do not agree that it is widely held by gun owners, but it’s your position to prove, that it is a widely held position among gun owners, if you wish to convince me of what you hold to be true)


Unlike having a gender or a race, it’s entirely legal in the US to hire and fire people based on gun ownership or even just their opinion on gun ownership. It really is.

Do you think it doesn’t happen?

People hire and fire on much less logical causes, like, say, gender or race, but of course gun owners are a priori above such things as they are always the most reasonable and level headed people you can know, right?


Watched the vid.



Gimme that old time religion.


Very much this. What is going on with most of these shootings is not someone with “mental health issues,” it’s more “Florida man with a gun” syndrome.

IOW, most mass shooters are not persons who need psychiatric treatment, they are people who were never properly socialized to have appropriate emotional responses to the ordinary stress of life. Because they live in America, they have access to guns, and because they consume American media, they think violence is an excellent way to solve problems.

Add all that together, and you get somebody taking out a gun because they weren’t given enough cream in their coffee, or they didn’t get a raise, or their colleague didn’t want to go on a date with them. You get America in the 21st century.

How many mass shooters, if you could have them evaluated by a panel of shrinks, would turn out to be sociopaths? Several. But a lot more would not be diagnosable in any way.


Fair enough:
In this poll, 50% of gun owners support stricter gun control while 44% oppose it:

In this Pew Research report, they break down different gun control measures. It doesn’t address waiting periods but does show other proposed measures, for which gun owners are largely in favour:

And this other poll, which unfotunately has a very small sample size of NRA members and is clearly done by a left-leaning organization, indicates that NRA members are not always behind the messages of the NRA spokespeople:

The NRA, in addition to its somewhat diminished discount program, has a lot of resources for gun collectors, gun sports, as well as gun safety. Without a full polling of its membership it’s hard to know exactly where the membership stands but it’s certainly possible to get benefits of membership without agreeing with all of their positions.


I didn’t really say what I meant and I just edited it to be more clear. I didn’t mean that gun owners take calls for gun control as personal attacks, I mean that people on internet forums who claim to speak on behalf of gun owners seem to often interpret calls for gun control as personal attacks.

I believe I have seen polling that confirms what you are saying, that most gun owners are in favour of what people refer to as “common sense” gun control measures (e.g. closing loopholes so that people can’t avoid background checks, raising age limits to purchase some or all guns). Just because you own guns doesn’t mean you want disaffected 18-year-olds with histories of violence buying AR-15s.


I said to someone yesterday: “likelihood is that she was mad that YouTube demonitised her channel or took down her videos and deprived her of the audience she felt she was entitled to.”

Woman, vegan, Baha’i… Those are irrelevant. The common denominator (outside of the availability of the weapon) is entitlement.

After all, how dare YouTube deprive her of that attention.

(Yes, it is stressful to lose a revenue stream. But people lose revenue streams daily and don’t react by shooting the place up).


It is irrelevant what I think. My beliefs have no bearing on reality, as far as I know. Considering that Search Engines are resources available to all, and yet nobody is able to provide me with a verifiable instance of this happening, I’d say the belief is rather baseless.

I tend to save my slander and assumptions for people that complain about imaginary problems and claim victimization. They are the worst sort of people and should not be allowed in polite company.

I own a couple of guns and have never experienced slander or wild assumptions thrown at me for doing so.