Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/06/05/youtube-halts-monetization-of.html
Carlos - thanks for making sure YouTube couldn’t continue to ignore your being abused. And hopefully getting them to take this kind of abuse seriously.
Sorry you had to put up with it and the stalking by his idiot likely dangerous fans.
Youtube: we found language that was clearly hurtful, the videos as posted don’t violate our policies
Go fuck yourself Youtube.
Also why should it take a person’s pleas to gain momentum for Youtube to take some action? If Carlos has been reporting this dude for years then why did it take this long for them to do anything about it? That is utterly unacceptable and i am livid for this poor guy.
Took youtube 2 years to shutter this bigot shit weasel’s channel? No applause from me, but better late than never, I guess.
I’m guessing that the YouTube offices are a bit of a hair-on-fire clusterfuck at the moment.
Haha, no, not shuttered, unfortunately. Simply demonitized! That means he’s free to keep posting his hateful bullshit. He will simply no longer be paid by YouTube.
While offensive language is definitely subjective, breaking specific rules set in place by the platform you’re using is not. YouTube has very specific harassment/bullying rules that disallow targeting individuals for harassment. Steven Crowder broke those rules, repeatedly, for over two years.
Sure. But he’ll have a lot less time to devote to it now that he has to work at Mickie D’s to
pay the rent.
Never heard of Crowder before. Man, that guy’s a POS. Show him the door, already.
Given the caliber of the white knights freeze-peaching this fuckwit, I’m sure his content is profoundly erudite.
True, but responses are more for on-the-fence lurkers directed here than the troll.
another day, another asshole with a youtube channel comes to light. with 3 million subscribers no less. jesus. what is wrong with the world anyway? reading about shitheels like this, and the guy who gave the homeless man the toothpaste filled cookie for fun, makes me want to unplug the damn machine and toss it out the window. i know it’s too late to go back to the pre internet days, but damn it would be nice if we could.
Neither had I, but I’ve already come up with some appropriate nicknames.
Slurpy Chowder
Laxative Powder
He’s also a profussor on PragerU’s channel.
And then, there was collateral damage:
Ah so he’s also a liar and intellectual dimwit
They need more shovels. The quicker they get to hell, the better. Or the molten core of the earth. Either way, dig!
I have not watched any of the video in question (as with others I had never heard of him before) but it is possible that This should be looked at by authorities outside of YouTube. (Yes I know part of the entire issue is YouTube’s handling of the issue)