Originally published at: YouTuber Jonah Lobe gives an anatomy lesson about a symbiote from Marvel comics | Boing Boing
he imagine’s venom as little more than a suit wrapped around a human’s body, but that doesn’t work for a couple of reasons.
the first is that venom’s dimensions are much different than those of his host, so his body bends in places that wouldn’t work for his host. shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, etc. the host’s body would need to be stretched out to make their parts fit inside the corresponding parts of venom.
the second is where does the food go? venom eats things that aren’t going to go down easily for a human host.
also, simply being a suit around a human host doesn’t do much to explain how he heals the host’s injuries.
i was under the impression that venom transforms the host’s body rather than simply enveloping it.
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